Author Topic: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Names Dennis Kucinich Presidential Campaign Manager  (Read 328 times)

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Names Dennis Kucinich Presidential Campaign Manager

Joel B. Pollak18 May 20230

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. named former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) as his campaign manager on Thursday, bringing a credible voice of the anti-war movement into his growing team.

In a statement, the Kennedy campaign said:

    Mr. Kucinich has long been known as one of the foremost progressive voices in American politics. In 1977 he became, at age 31, the mayor of the city of Cleveland and one of the youngest big-city mayors ever. In 1996 he was elected to the House of Representatives, where he served for 16 years.

    During his time in Congress, Kucinich led the effort against the Iraq War and the Patriot Act, and served as the chair of the progressive caucus. He competed in the Democratic Presidential primary in 2004 and 2008. He is the author of several books, including the acclaimed “The Division of Light and Power.”


    “Dennis Kucinich has brought invaluable electoral experience to our campaign,” said Mr. Kennedy. “He knows how the system works from the inside out, and his deep knowledge of issues and his personal integrity are fully aligned with the core values our campaign is bringing to American politics.”

Notably, Kucinich was critical of some of the Democrats’ efforts to demonize or remove then-President Donald Trump. In 2017, he said that talk of using the 25th Amendment against Trump was “not good for the country.”
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Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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I wonder how many of those who said he'd be a good VP choice for Trump have had their eyes opened....

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Longtime Democrat, former presidential candidate makes return to politics to run RFK, Jr. campaign, oust Biden

A longtime Democratic figure and former presidential candidate stepped back onto the public political stage Thursday when it was announced he will be serving as campaign manager for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s effort to beat out President Biden for the party's 2024 nomination.

Dennis Kucinich, a former Ohio Congressman who unsuccessfully ran for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination against then Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, has been advising Kennedy for months, and introduced him at his campaign kickoff in Boston last month....................
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Offline mountaineer

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Looks like RFKJr is courting the "progressive" wing. Will that be enough to convince Republicans he really isn't one of us?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
I am delighted to announce @Dennis_Kucinich as the manager of my Presidential campaign. A former 8-term member of Congress, he has been both an icon of progressive politics and an iconoclastic, game-changing force within progressive politics. #Kennedy24
3:00 PM · May 18, 2023
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Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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I live in NE Ohio, and Kicinich is a joke.  Seen him at a couple of charitable things over the years, and he's got bad BO and massive dandruff.

Not even joking.