Author Topic: The Mad Delusion of Overscrupulous Republicans  (Read 110 times)

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The Mad Delusion of Overscrupulous Republicans
« on: May 17, 2023, 12:40:46 pm »
The Mad Delusion of Overscrupulous Republicans

The only reason the opposition is screaming against George Santos in hypocritical rage is their hope of reducing the slim Republican majority in the House to the point where it becomes unworkable.

By Paul Gottfried
May 16, 2023

Recently I’ve been thinking about the Latin aphorism, Quos Deus vult perdere prius dementat, “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” Contrary to what is widely believed, this well-known statement may not be of ancient origin. It may have originated among 18th-century English authors, although there is a reference in Sophocles’ Antigone to the gods driving those who are already doomed toward delusion.

These somber thoughts about madness and doom came to mind as I was reflecting on the latest attempt of Republican virtue-signalers (and unfortunately there are many of them) to shoot themselves in the head. There is now a deafening din from both parties that George Santos, who serves New York’s 3rd Congressional District, should resign from the House of Representatives because he is alleged to have committed fraud. Santos also notoriously mischaracterized himself as Jewish, although he is technically Catholic and claims without convincing evidence to have had a grandmother who suffered in the Holocaust. Clearly Santos is not a statesman distinguished by personal integrity, and he is not a person whose friendship I would seek.

But Santos does perform an indispensable task for Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and other Republicans in the House. He has voted with them on key issues, and his vote has been extremely valuable given the razor-thin majority with which the Republican speaker is forced to operate. Since the Republicans are holding on to a 10-seat majority in the House, giving up Santos’ seat would hurt them gravely. McCarthy can’t count on carrying along all Republicans on critical votes; and if Santos were to resign over money laundering and fraud charges, his seat would most certainly fall to a very left-leaning Democrat, in a district that is heavily Democratic as well as heavily Jewish. The person who may be the shoe-in favorite to take Santos’ seat in another election held in New York’s 3rd district is a former State Senator Anna Kaplan.

Kaplan, who is of Iranian Jewish descent, is playing up her Jewish lineage, which she contrasts to the false ethnic claims made by Santos, who is of Brazilian Catholic ancestry. The Democratic candidate claims in a video to have suffered because of her ethnicity in her native Iran. As a child, she explains, she was forbidden to touch the fruits and vegetables displayed on street stands. Kaplan’s grievance raises obvious questions. For example, how did the fruit-stand owners determine that Anna was Jewish; and should we assume that these merchants allowed Muslim children to finger their goods?

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Allow me to suggest a fair exchange. Santos should leave his post if the Democrats meet the following conditions. Biden should be forced to resign because of his scandalous influence-peddling, evidence for which his media handmaidens have tried desperately to hide. Representative Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) should be made to leave the House for sharing government information with a Chinese Communist spy, the alluring Fang Fang, whom the Chinese regime used to tempt the easily seduced congressman. Equally suitable for the chopping block is Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who lied outrageously and repeatedly about holding material that proved Donald Trump conspired with the Russian government. We might also ask for Rep. Maxine Waters’ (D-Calif.) head, because of her practice of inciting riots among those who are receptive to her incoherent demagoguery. During the Los Angeles riot in 1992 and again after the death of George Floyd in 2020, Waters quite plainly encouraged black violence, something her party allowed her to get away with.

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