Author Topic: Ex-Trump campaign adviser Steve Cortes endorses DeSantis for 2024: ‘Best possible option to win the  (Read 520 times)

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Ok ... still waiting for DeSantis to make a formal announcement.

Ex-Trump campaign adviser Steve Cortes endorses DeSantis for 2024: ‘Best possible option to win the presidency’

A former adviser to Donald Trump’s 2016 and 2020 presidential campaigns backed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Tuesday, saying the 44-year-old “represents the best possible option to win the presidency in 2024 and to govern as a highly capable, patriotic populist leader.”

“I have worked as a dedicated spokesman and advocate for Donald Trump for much of the last seven years, so I do not arrive at that conclusion flippantly,” Steve Cortes wrote in a Newsweek op-ed announcing his endorsement.

“But our America First movement has always been bigger and more important than any one individual, and heading into this crucial election, our activism and our votes must be guided by a clear-eyed assessment of recent failures and potential future successes.”

Cortes, now an adviser to the pro-DeSantis super PAC Never Back Down, said voters should opt out of a Biden-Trump rematch next year.

“The country is miserable,” Cortes said. “That’s not some biased or uninformed right-wing opinion, but the harsh reality revealed by data and evidence.”.................
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Why he moved from Team Trump to DeSantis:
Ron DeSantis for President | Opinion
Steve Cortes
On 5/9/23 at 10:00 AM EDT

Governor Ron DeSantis represents the best possible option to win the presidency in 2024 and to govern as a highly capable, patriotic populist leader.

I have worked as a dedicated spokesman and advocate for Donald Trump for much of the last seven years, so I do not arrive at that conclusion flippantly. But our America First movement has always been bigger and more important than any one individual, and heading into this crucial election, our activism and our votes must be guided by a clear-eyed assessment of recent failures and potential future successes.

Here are the three most compelling reasons to support Governor DeSantis: ...
Read more at Newsweek
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The bleeding from the Trump campaign continues.
The Republic is lost.

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Trump ridiculing Cortes and calling him an ungrateful loser in 3...2...1

Online Maj. Bill Martin

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Trump may well win the nomination anyway.  But him running essentially unopposed in the GOP primary would have been a disgrace.

DeSantis should run and take his best shot, win or lose, to give the rest of us Republicans a real choice.

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Trump may well win the nomination anyway.  But him running essentially unopposed in the GOP primary would have been a disgrace.

DeSantis should run and take his best shot, win or lose, to give the rest of us Republicans a real choice.

I would say, as of now, it looks like Trump will be the nominee. But a lots gonna happen, and the primary season has yet to begin. At this time in 2007, I would’ve bet everything that Hillary Clinton was going to be the nominee for the Democrats in 2008.
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Trump ridiculing Cortes and calling him an ungrateful loser in 3...2...1

RiV is over at TS gathering the insulting talking points.
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Offline catfish1957

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RiV is over at TS gathering the insulting talking points.

Tumpy's gone FDR populist. and the more those right of center understand that, the quicker his fall will be.
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Offline roamer_1

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Tumpy's gone always been an FDR populist. and the more those right of center understand that, the quicker his fall will be.

Fixed.  :beer: :seeya:

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No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.