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Ukraine 4

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Plane of Ukraine's former pro-Russian president arrives in Belarus, where Belarussian and Russian leaders meet – Belaruski Hajun

May 24, 2024 at 6:46 AM EDT

The plane of [traitor POS] Viktor Yanukovych, the pro-Russian former president of Ukraine who fled the country after the Revolution of Dignity in 2014, has arrived in Belarus.

Source: Belaruski Hajun, an independent Belarusian military monitoring media outlet . . .


In Buryatia, killer police officers were released to war with Ukraine a year after the verdict

18 hours ago

Former police officers from Buryatia, Yevgeny Inkin and Dmitry Istomin, who received 17 and 18 years in prison for the rape and murder of two girls, signed contracts with the Russian army and went to war in Ukraine, People of Baikal reports.

The release of Istomin and Inkin became known at a meeting of the Eighth Court of Cassation on May 22, at which an appeal against the verdict was considered. The convicts were not present at the trial, since by that time they had already been sent to the front. At the same time, the court upheld the guilty verdict for both.

The murder of the girls, in which the police were accused, took place 22 years ago in the village of Klyukvennaya Pad in Buryatia. The victims of Istomin and Inkin were 17-year-old Zhenya Shekunova and 18-year-old Katya Pateyuk. According to local residents, the girls communicated with the police. Before their disappearance, they were seen near the police station in the village of Selenginsk.

Immediately after the girls disappeared, the fishermen noticed a police UAZ near Klyukvennaya Pad. Later, local residents found the corpses of the girls there, and next to the pit in which they were lying, traces of a car of the same brand.

According to the investigation, two police officers and another man, whose identity could not be established, drank with girls. A quarrel ensued between them, during which the security forces hacked the girls to death with an axe.  .  .

Timber Rattler:
Putin still holding on to his dream of supplanting Zelensky with the disgraced and cowardly Yanukovych.

And Africa is obviously a training ground for the former Wagner Group, or whatever the Russians are calling it now.

PeteS in CA:

--- Quote from: Hoodat on May 25, 2024, 03:50:01 am ---Mospyne attack from previous day.

from r/UkraineWarVideoReport
--- End quote ---

--- End quote ---

Well, at least the S-400 detected the ATACMS and tried to intercept. That seems to be better than many/most do before going boom. yogi555


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