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Hollywood Producer Jeffrey Katzenberg Pledges ‘All the Resources’ Biden Will Need to Win in 2024


Hollywood Producer Jeffrey Katzenberg Pledges ‘All the Resources’ Biden Will Need to Win in 2024

David Ng 11 May 2023

Hollywood mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg has pledged to deliver “all the resources” that the deeply unpopular President Joe Biden (D) will need to win re-election in 2024.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Katzenberg, who is Biden’s campaign co-chair, said he is “confident” the campaign can raise more than the $1 billion in contributions received during the 2020 race.

His comments come days after an ABC/Washington Post poll showed former President Donald Trump (R) leading Biden by seven points in a general election rematch.

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“For us, this is about a 19-month marathon, it’s not a sprint,” Katzenberg told the newspaper. “The excitement and enthusiasm level since he’s announced, certainly from the high-end donors I’ve been in touch with, has been very, very high.”

He added: “The president has shown that he’s 80 years young and brings with him the wisdom and knowledge and experience that he has shown during the past two years. He is fit and engaged and has a high level of energy.”


Sadly, the one resource Jeffrey can't deliver is a new brain.

Maj. Bill Martin:
“For us, this is about a 19-month marathon, it’s not a sprint,” Katzenberg told the newspaper. “The excitement and enthusiasm level since he’s announced, certainly from the high-end donors I’ve been in touch with, has been very, very high.”  He added: “The president has shown that he’s 80 years young.

I generally dislike arguments that put my thoughts into someone else's head, but this is plainly a lie.  Katzenberg and his donor buddies cannot possibly be "excited and enthusiastic" about Joe Biden in particular.  Nor can they truly believe he is a mentally "young" 80.  That's just not possible to believe.  It's even more obviously a lie given Biden's absolutely horrible standing in the polls.  No anti-Trump Democrat can be legitimately happy with Biden being the nominee.

That a lot of depends and Vitamin-B shots.


--- Quote from: DefiantMassRINO on May 11, 2023, 08:30:23 pm ---That a lot of depends and Vitamin-B shots.

--- End quote ---
Don't forget the dementia drugs and uppers, definitely the uppers for that high energy appearance before the three day basement crash :silly:

I don't think Katzenberg working with Lucas and Spielberg and countless hours of CGI putting out flashy promo ads could ever overshadow the reality of Biden's dementia, inability to respond to real questions without open hostility or being lost in space when he can't hide from the media or public. I don't think whoever the republican nominee is will let him get away with hiding in the basement this time around.


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