In fairness, @Kamaji he did get a lot of the wall repaired and some new wall placed and implemented Title 42 which helped tremendously with border security. Trump had us energy independent, re-negotiated NAFTA and new 'deals' with China and held Putin at bay. Inflation was low.
He had us headed in a more positive direction then we're headed now.
Yes, he's reverted back to bullying and I agree the liberal policies that he's touching upon and going after conservatives has lost my vote. Neither saving pennies and picking the right people were one of his attributes either.
He couldn't do anything with the wall except through executive orders, which he had to resort to because he didn't have sufficient pull in Congress to get it done through enactment of a law. He failed as a leader on that, and as a result, when Biden entered office, he simply reversed Trump's executive order - easy come, easy go.
Low inflation was a confluence of (a) general economic conditions, which are normally not the result of any President's actions, and (b) he and Congress not taking radical steps to interfere in the economy. But that is a negative only, not a positive action. And, at any rate, he dropped that value like a hot potato once COVID-19 presented him with the opportunity to pretend to be a latter-day FDR, spending like a drunken sailor to "save" the country, mostly from the same stupid government shutdowns that his administration countenanced - and to the extent that his administration was countenancing actions he did not personally agree with, that again is merely evidence of his failure as a leader, demonstrating that he simply didn't have the leadership skills necessary to get his own administration under control.
The same with energy independence - the best that can be said of him is that he didn't meddle with things; contra Biden and the democrats, who have been meddling with the energy economy since Biden was elected. So, at least we can, once again, praise him for not doing anything, sort of damnation by faint praise.
About his only two accomplishments were tinkering with NAFTA - and giving it a nifty new name - and running negotiations between Israel and several other middle east countries.
Otherwise, he wasn't particularly effective as a president, and much of that can be chalked up to his inability to build coalitions within Congress or with other national political leaders (such as state governors - even now he hasn't figured that one out, as witness his trashing of Governor DeSantis).