Author Topic: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey  (Read 904 times)

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Offline libertybele

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I'm not one for polls but I believe this is the first poll reporting Trump ahead of Biden (for what it's worth).

Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey

Former President Trump leads President Biden by 7 points in a hypothetical 2024 matchup between the two, according to a new survey.

The Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 49 percent of Americans said they would definitely or probably vote for Trump or are leaning toward casting their ballots for him in a hypothetical matchup with Biden in 2024 if Trump and Biden are the Republican and Democratic nominees. About 42 percent said they would definitely or probably vote for Biden or are leaning toward supporting him in 2024.

When asked who they would vote for if Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis were the Republican nominee instead of Trump in a matchup with Biden, the governor also led the president by 7 points. The poll released Sunday found that 48 percent said they would definitely or probably vote for DeSantis or would lean toward voting for him, while 41 percent said the same thing for Biden.

Trump also came out on top when respondents were asked if Biden and Trump were in “good enough physical health to serve effectively as president,” with 64 percent responding that the former president is and 33 percent saying his successor is. When asked if each of them has the “mental sharpness” to act as president, 32 percent of respondents said Biden does while 54 percent said Trump does. .................
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Offline catfish1957

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2023, 05:10:34 pm »
If we see this continue, ,and maybe 4 or 5 more.  Watch for a Biden exit in LBJ fashion this summer.   In the bullpen...  in order of how I guess who'll  win? their   Moochelle, Newsome, RFK, Jr.
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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2023, 05:24:06 pm »
If we see this continue, ,and maybe 4 or 5 more.  Watch for a Biden exit in LBJ fashion this summer.   In the bullpen...  in order of how I guess who'll  win? their   Moochelle, Newsome, RFK, Jr.

If, and that’s a big if, Biden steps down, it’ll be Harris at the top of the ticket and I can see her choosing Newsome as her VP
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Offline catfish1957

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2023, 05:39:10 pm »
If, and that’s a big if, Biden steps down, it’ll be Harris at the top of the ticket and I can see her choosing Newsome as her VP

A lot will depend on how the tea leaves are read by late this summer.  Just like LBJ, I am thinking Joe doesn't want the embarassment of losing in the primaries.   From what I have read, and based on her ultra early exit in '20, almost all think Kamel-uh and her word salad express is toxic, and she'll turn off voters in record numbers.  When she left in '20, she wasn't even breaking 1%.  Her choice for VPOTUS was an ultra box checking exercise.  The woman is an idiot, and they all know it.

Newsome's smarter but off the charts greasy and sleazy.  Mooch, if they can coax her is the natural choice.  She'll have to fight off the her "Hate America" memes but everyone left of center would just die for a 3rd Obama term.
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Offline berdie

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2023, 05:50:56 pm »
If, and that’s a big if, Biden steps down, it’ll be Harris at the top of the ticket and I can see her choosing Newsome as her VP

Can a POTUS and VP be from the same state?

Offline bigheadfred

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2023, 05:56:40 pm »

Can a POTUS and VP be from the same state?

Sure. We have it now. Psychotic state.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2023, 05:59:37 pm by bigheadfred »
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2023, 06:12:51 pm »
Sure. We have it now. Psychotic state.

Good point @bigheadfred:rolling:

Online Hoodat

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2023, 06:30:54 pm »

Can a POTUS and VP be from the same state?

Yes, assuming they get elected without the electoral votes of their own State.

A Newsome-Harris ticket would guarantee a Republican victory just as a Trump-DeSantis ticket would guarantee a Democrat victory.
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Offline Fishrrman

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2023, 10:33:59 pm »
Some random thoughts...

ol' white joe IS going to be primaried.
RFKjr.'s candidacy guarantees that.

Assuming joe stays in, there could be a contest for the VP slot. There's nothing that says the president can't run with a new VP -- look at Roosevelt in 1944 (those close to him knew he wasn't long for the world, and that his existing VP, the communist Henry Wallace, could not be allowed to become president -- hence, Harry Truman replaced him). I sense that most folks -- even the most ardent dem-coms -- realize that ol' white joe probably would not finish a second term. So they'd better get a competent replacement lined up.

But what if ol' joe suddenly drops his candidacy at some point, probably in early-mid 2024? That will throw the dem-communist race into a tizzy.

In that case, what does kamala sutra do?
She'll have to run all over again, and it will probably be pretty much for her like it was in 2020 -- she's a loser from the get-go.

Next, Newsom will make his play. But Greasy Gavin, despite being a smooth talker, is going to wilt face-to-face against Bobby Jr.

michelle obama? A wild card. But I don't think this woman really has any drive to be president. She wouldn't want to be bothered.

So... who does that leave at the top of the dem-com heap...?

Online Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2023, 12:01:14 am »
If we see this continue, ,and maybe 4 or 5 more.  Watch for a Biden exit in LBJ fashion this summer.   In the bullpen...  in order of how I guess who'll  win? their   Moochelle, Newsome, RFK, Jr.

Yeah, I still can't see him running.  It may be something with his son that does it, but they can't run a guy that senile PLUS someone as incompetent as Kamala.  It might not even happen until the Convention.

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2023, 12:11:09 am »
I'm not one for polls but I believe this is the first poll reporting Trump ahead of Biden (for what it's worth).

Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey

Former President Trump leads President Biden by 7 points in a hypothetical 2024 matchup between the two, according to a new survey.

The Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 49 percent of Americans said they would definitely or probably vote for Trump or are leaning toward casting their ballots for him in a hypothetical matchup with Biden in 2024 if Trump and Biden are the Republican and Democratic nominees. About 42 percent said they would definitely or probably vote for Biden or are leaning toward supporting him in 2024.

When asked who they would vote for if Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis were the Republican nominee instead of Trump in a matchup with Biden, the governor also led the president by 7 points. The poll released Sunday found that 48 percent said they would definitely or probably vote for DeSantis or would lean toward voting for him, while 41 percent said the same thing for Biden.

Trump also came out on top when respondents were asked if Biden and Trump were in “good enough physical health to serve effectively as president,” with 64 percent responding that the former president is and 33 percent saying his successor is. When asked if each of them has the “mental sharpness” to act as president, 32 percent of respondents said Biden does while 54 percent said Trump does. .................

Plenty polls and they're all over the place. Still Trump seems more competitive than in 2020:

Offline libertybele

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2023, 12:19:37 am »
Yeah, I still can't see him running.  It may be something with his son that does it, but they can't run a guy that senile PLUS someone as incompetent as Kamala.  It might not even happen until the Convention.

They'll run him as long as they need him -- there aren't going to be any debates, so whoever is running against him, won't get the exposure needed.  He may appoint another VP, I'm thinking Michael and Brandon will step down soon after.

IF we actually make it to another election, it will likely be Trump v. Biden with Biden handing him his retirement papers.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2023, 12:21:47 am by libertybele »
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Online Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2023, 03:40:00 am »
They'll run him as long as they need him -- there aren't going to be any debates, so whoever is running against him, won't get the exposure needed.  He may appoint another VP, I'm thinking Michael and Brandon will step down soon after.

IF we actually make it to another election, it will likely be Trump v. Biden with Biden handing him his retirement papers.

Whoever we nominate has to be someone capable of beating a candidate other than Joe Biden or Kamala.

Offline cato potatoe

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2023, 04:29:39 pm »
The media sure do want Trump to be the nominee, and they sure do want Biden replaced.  We should listen to them, as they have our best interests at heart.  No chance Donald will be multiple indicted, ordered to pay E. Jean Carroll, outraised, outmaneuvered, or self destructive.

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2023, 04:32:58 pm »
Whoever we nominate has to be someone capable of beating a candidate other than Joe Biden or Kamala.


Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2023, 05:17:44 pm »
Whoever we nominate has to be someone capable of beating a candidate other than Joe Biden or Kamala.

I'll vote for whoever the GOPer is.

Online corbe

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2023, 09:09:31 pm »
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline libertybele

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2023, 09:10:12 pm »
I'll vote for whoever the GOPer is.

I'll vote for a conservative.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2023, 11:32:37 pm »
I'll vote for a conservative.

Yeah, understood. I'm not that worried it won't be a conservative. I don't think Romney or a McCain have a chance in today's party. I guess a lot of people dont think Trump is a conservative. I think it's a sliding scale, not a binary thing.

Anyone will be better than Biden to me.

Offline libertybele

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Re: Trump leading Biden by 7 points in hypothetical matchup: survey
« Reply #19 on: May 08, 2023, 11:57:00 pm »
Yeah, understood. I'm not that worried it won't be a conservative. I don't think Romney or a McCain have a chance in today's party. I guess a lot of people dont think Trump is a conservative. I think it's a sliding scale, not a binary thing.

Anyone will be better than Biden to me.

As president, Trump was more conservative than I had expected (not fiscally, I get it) and did well. Him going after a conservative now, is troubling.

I can think of many people who would be worse than Biden; Michael Obama, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett.  These are the DEMS that I think they will run after they get Brandon to step down.  The same Soros/Obama machine will continue to run things regardless though.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2023, 12:00:09 am by libertybele »
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.