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The Smooth-Talking Republican Who Would Rule by Fiat

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The Smooth-Talking Republican Who Would Rule by Fiat

Vivek Ramaswamy, the Republican wunderkind running for his party’s presidential nomination, would like potential supporters to know he believes in the rule of law and the Constitution’s separation of powers — though his applications of such principles can seem selective.

After intense study of the Constitution, Mr. Ramaswamy says he believes that the awesome powers of the presidency would allow him to abolish the Education Department “on Day 1,” part of an assault on the “administrative state” that his 2024 rival, Donald J. Trump, fell short on during Days 1 through 1,461 of his presidency. Never mind that the Constitution confers the power of the purse on Congress, and a subsequent law make it illegal for the president not to spend that money.......

........In short, Mr. Ramaswamy, a lavishly wealthy 37-year-old entrepreneur and author pitching himself as a new face of intellectual conservatism, is promising to go farther down the road of ruling by fiat than Mr. Trump would or could....

..........His overt shots at Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, whom he labels a visionless “implementer” without the courage to venture into the hostile territories of college campuses or NBC News, are intended to clear what he sees as an eventual showdown with Mr. Trump. His brashest criticism of the former president is over Mr. Trump’s suggestion that he might skip primary debates, depriving Mr. Ramaswamy of the stage he says he needs to catch his rival...............

NY Times?  Consider the source.

That being said, Mr. "EO" Biden is the one ruling by fiat.

No corporate CEO believes in the Constitution’s separation of powers.  That's why they can be such terrible Governors or Presidents.

Corporations are executive dictatorships.  People who disagree, or say "no", can be unilateraly dismissed.  Constitutionally, the President doesn't have the unilateral authority to dismiss Congress, the Courts, or Career Conditional Federal Employees ... yet.

Some Dominant A-type personalities would prefer to destroy the Congress, the Courts, and Federal Civil Service rather than be obstructed by their obstinance.


--- Quote from: DefiantMassRINO on May 05, 2023, 03:47:38 pm ---No corporate CEO believes in the Constitution’s separation of powers.  That's why they can be such terrible Governors or Presidents.

Corporations are executive dictatorships.  People who disagree, or say "no", can be unilateraly dismissed.  Constitutionally, the President doesn't have the unilateral authority to dismiss Congress, the Courts, or Career Conditional Federal Employees ... yet.

Some Dominant A-type personalities would prefer to destroy the Congress, the Courts, and Federal Civil Service rather than be obstructed by their obstinance.

--- End quote ---

What are you bloviating about?

Weird Tolkienish Figure:

--- Quote from: DefiantMassRINO on May 05, 2023, 03:47:38 pm ---No corporate CEO believes in the Constitution’s separation of powers.  That's why they can be such terrible Governors or Presidents.

Corporations are executive dictatorships.  People who disagree, or say "no", can be unilateraly dismissed.  Constitutionally, the President doesn't have the unilateral authority to dismiss Congress, the Courts, or Career Conditional Federal Employees ... yet.

Some Dominant A-type personalities would prefer to destroy the Congress, the Courts, and Federal Civil Service rather than be obstructed by their obstinance.

--- End quote ---

Meh, are politicians doing much better?


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