State Chapters > Florida

Florida GOP lawmakers approve shielding DeSantis travel records

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--- Quote from: libertybele on May 13, 2023, 02:45:09 pm ---Very true.  I now expect him to soon announce he's running.  He's getting all of his ducks in a row and since Trump has created his record of known smear tactics, DeSantis has probably already planned for that.  DeSantis has a pretty clean slate and a very conservative record.

We shall see.  I'm just nervous to lose him as our governor .... he's done a remarkable job in FL.  The only one I think is equally conservative enough to replace him is Byron Donalds, but I don't know how much fight he has in him.  Then we'd lose a conservative congressman.

There just doesn't seem to be enough conservatives to go around. :shrug:

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--- Quote from: Free Vulcan on May 14, 2023, 05:34:22 pm ---That and I'm not sure the FedGov can be easily fixed. It will take radical, uncompromising measures to do so. The collection of Red states may shortly be the new Republic.

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It is refreshing to read the testimony of refugees, washed up on red state shores... Seeking only normalcy - Americana - and gratefully finding it.

And also disheartening, to read of what they Left.


--- Quote from: libertybele on May 13, 2023, 02:45:09 pm --- DeSantis has a pretty clean slate and a very conservative record.

--- End quote ---

So did Cruz. a shining one... A golden one... Before he got Stone-Peckered.
Then the record didn't matter anymore.

Expect more of the same.


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