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Florida’s Ron DeSantis signs bill allowing death penalty for child rapists

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Florida’s Ron DeSantis signs bill allowing death penalty for child rapists
By Victor Nava   
May 2, 2023 9:20pm

Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation Monday that authorizes the use of the death penalty on convicted sex abusers of children.

The new law, which goes into effect Oct. 1, allows the Sunshine State to seek capital punishment when an adult is convicted of sexual battery of a child under 12.

While Republicans hold supermajorities in both chambers of the Florida Legislature, the measure was co-sponsored by a Democrat and passed with bipartisan support.

DeSantis signed the bill despite a 2008 US Supreme Court ruling that found it unconstitutional for states to use capital punishment for crimes other than murder, setting the stage for a possible showdown at the high court. 

“We’re really delivering a big agenda,” DeSantis said during the bill signing ceremony. “So this is one important — but admittedly very small part — of an overall large agenda and very bold agenda that’s really setting the terms of the debate for the country, quite frankly.”

Last month, DeSantis declared that capital punishment is the “only appropriate” sentence for child rapists.

“My view is, you have some of these people that will be serial rapists of six, seven-year-old kids,” DeSantis told “Good Morning Orlando”. “I think the death penalty is the only appropriate punishment when you have situations like that.”


Good!    happy77

This will go to the Supreme Court, which some years back issued a ruling that could be interpreted to be in conflict with the new Florida law.

Although the philosophical "tilt" of The Court today is much further conservative than it was earlier...

Works for me as long as they are genuine child rapists,and not 16 year old boys having consensual sex with their 15  year old girlfriends.

ALLOWED? It should be insisted upon.


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