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Fossil Fuel is an Oxymoron
Fossil Fuel is an Oxymoron
fos·sil [ˈfäs(ə)l]
1. the remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock:
"sites rich in fossils" · "a fossil fish"
Neither crude oil nor natural gas is “in petrified form.” One is a liquid and one is a gas.
The theory of trees, plants and animals dying eons ago and being compressed into crude oil and natural gas, which are all then being covered by miles of strata and/or water is pseudoscience. Bacteria and fungi were some of the first organisms on earth, and consume dead plant and animal matter beginning immediately after they die. Nowhere on earth is there now the slightest hint of large masses of plant or animal matter being compressed into “fossil fuel.”
“How then did crude oil, natural gas, and coal get here and in such amazing abundance?”
I submit that we do not know any naturalistic process. The only thing that makes sense is that Nature’s God, the Brilliant Creator, put all of these things here for us. If there is no plausible “scientific explanation,” don’t fabricate one. That’s not science, it’s desperation.
Smokin Joe:
Well, peat is a 'fossil fuel', and for that matter, so are the various grades of coal. :shrug:
I spent almost my entire career in this industry. Back then is was "petroleum" and "petrochemical".
Trying to think when the venacular of the term changed.
I'm pretty sure that the things we (think we) fully understand are dwarfed by those we don't.
Whatever the processes that created in situ hydrocarbons on this planet, I see no reason at all to assume that those processes just stopped.
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