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Republican party chairwoman warns 2024 presidential candidates need to address abortion 'head on' -


Republican party chairwoman warns 2024 presidential candidates need to address abortion 'head on' - and suggests Dems would allow terminations at nine months

    Ronna McDaniel said on Sunday that Republican candidates need to address the abortion issue 'head on' in order to win back the presidency
    She said the party is giving candidates guidance to challenge Democrats on their beliefs to win back swing voters
    But recent polling suggests a majority of independent voters, and even a handful of Republican voters, support abortion in most — if not all — cases

By Melissa Koenig For Dailymail.Com

Published: 19:09 EDT, 30 April 2023 | Updated: 19:47 EDT, 30 April 2023

The chairwoman of the Republican party has warned that candidates will need to address the abortion issue 'head on' in order to win back the presidency in 2024.

Ronna McDaniel said on Sunday that Democrats have turned the issue of abortion into a rallying cry following the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v Wade last summer, while Republicans have tried to steer clear of the issue.

But if Republican presidential candidates instead challenge Democrats on their beliefs, the party may be able to win back swing voters, McDaniel said on FOX News Sunday.

Recent polling, however, suggests a majority of independent voters, and even a handful of Republican voters, support abortion in most — if not all — cases.

And her remarks just days after traditionally red states Nebraska and South Carolina passed measures prohibiting abortion bans.


Let's paint the Party nationally with a six week ban.  Heck, let's campaign on making it Federal law.

It's not so much that state-level bans, as it is the lack of exceptions for incest, rape, and the life of the mother.

Requiring women to become septic as a condition of receiving life-saving care for ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages is going too far, unless you really want to lose general elections for generations to come.

The pro-Lifers are going full Taliban, and many don't like or want that.

We need to keep Big Government out of the Womb.


Do you really want the likes of Lindsey Graham dictating what healthcare your daughters, mothers, sisters, and wives can get for their nether regions?


--- Quote from: DefiantMassRINO on May 01, 2023, 04:11:05 pm ---

Do you really want the likes of Lindsey Graham dictating what healthcare your daughters, mothers, sisters, and wives can get for their nether regions?

--- End quote ---



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