State Chapters > Florida

Florida Legislature Clears Way for DeSantis to Run for President Without Resigning

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--- Quote from: sneakypete on May 05, 2023, 09:42:22 pm ---@Kamaji

Happy to get rid of him  while blaming it on the Rude Orange Man?

--- End quote ---


Get rid of whom?  And I don't care if Trump is rude - I care about the fact that he can't do anything constructive with his rudeness.  He's like a real estate agent or used car salesman who can't convert a sales pitch to a closed sale.

And most of the things he gets credited for during his presidency are not, in fact, due to anything he did.  The three conservative justices on the Supreme Court?  That was the work of McConnell and the Federalist Society, and Trump's role was limited to following the orders given to him by McConnell and not f**king things up by trying to pretend he knew better about appointing S.C. justices.

The 2017 tax cuts?  Those were the work of a number of Congressional busy-bees, and IRS/Treasury personnel, not Mr. Trump.

And as for things that were Mr. Trump's ideas?  Where's that big beautiful wall?  Not there, because he couldn't build a coalition strong enough to get it done; instead, he relied on executive orders and accounting trickery to start work on it, which was promptly undone when Biden got into office.

Face it, Trump is the antithesis of a real leader like Reagan.  Reagan didn't really care who got the credit, so long as his goals were accomplished.  Trump just wants all the credit, and he's not too fastidious about whose goals get accomplished along the way.

So no, I don't give a rat's a$$ about Rude Orange Man, I give a whole lot about the fact that he was fairly incompetent, and largely ineffective at anything other than making liberals yowl - but without a political coalition willing to go along with him, those yowls don't do anything other than galvanize libs/dems to oppose him even more strongly than before.

Gov. DeSantis, on the other hand, has managed to build himself a decent political coalition that continues to move the ball forward on his terms.

And yammering about how Trump didn't have the support of Congress doesn't do anything other than demonstrate that Trump really was not a good leader at all.  His party - the republicans - had a majority in both the House and the Senate coming out of 2016, and he couldn't do jack-sh*t to convert that majority into anything useful.  He didn't get rid of Obamacare, he didn't get immigration reform done.  Instead, he applied his standard divisive management style to the office of the presidency and was incapable of building any sort of a coalition out of an actual majority in both houses.

That makes him a loser, period.  End of discussion.  And that wasn't anyone else's fault than his.

So, no, I don't want to go with a proven loser, who is just getting more paranoid and more liberal by the day; I want to go with a proven winner, who has demonstrated that he can get things done, even in the face of left-wing MSM resistance and intransigence.

DeSantis has already proven himself to be a better leader than Trump has ever been, and he - DeSantis - is just getting started.

So take your stupid Rude Orange Man trope and go pound sand.


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