Author Topic: Illinois gun store asks U.S. Supreme Court to block gun ban while appeal continues  (Read 1619 times)

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Plaintiffs in an Illinois case challenging a local and statewide gun and magazine ban are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to issue an injunction against the law while the case is on appeal.

In November, Robert Bevis and Law Weapons and other plaintiffs sued the city of Naperville, challenging the city’s gun and magazine ban. After Illinois enacted a gun and magazine ban Jan. 10, the plaintiffs amended their challenge to include the statewide ban.

A Northern District of Illinois federal judge heard the case earlier this year and in February sided with the state and city and against a preliminary injunction. On appeal to the federal Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, plaintiffs requested a preliminary injunction while the appeal plays out, but the appeals court denied that request on April 18, while allowing the appeal to move forward.
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Federal judge grants injunction temporarily blocking enforcement of Illinois gun law

A federal judge in Illinois has granted a temporary injunction blocking the enforcement of a gun law which bans some semiautomatic rifles as well as high-capacity magazines.

United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois judge Stephen Patrick McGlynn issued the ruling Friday afternoon, stating that the court "must be mindful of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution."

The ban, signed by Democratic Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker in January, includes penalties for individuals who, "Carries or possesses… Manufactures, sells, delivers, imports, or purchases any assault weapon or .50 caliber rifle." 

Those who legally possesses a weapon under the law must register it with the Illinois State Police..............
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