General Category > Elections 2024

Trump on Biden Reelection Announcement: He Is Worse than the 5 Worst Presidents Combined

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My bottom 5 --

1) Biden
2) LBJ
3) Obama
4) FDR
5) Carter

My bottom 5:

Andrew Jackson (founder of the modern Democrat party and a genocidal maniac -- his victory at NOLA was pointless, it was after the treaty ending the War of 1812 had been signed, and wasn't a presidential act)

James Buchanan (made the Civil War inevitable)

Andrew Johnson (cut Reconstruction short, leading to the baleful Jim Crow period)

Woodrow Wilson (while this might need explanation in other fora, it shouldn't here)

Lyndon B. Johnson (the "Great Society" programs he promulgated led to the collapse of family formation among African Americans, and he completely botched Vietnam)

(The last one was a tough call, but FDR's handling of WWII contrasted with LBJ's handling of Vietnam saved him from the ignominy being in the bottom 5.)


--- Quote from: The_Reader_David on April 27, 2023, 02:50:19 am ---My bottom 5:

Andrew Jackson (founder of the modern Democrat party and a genocidal maniac -- his victory at NOLA was pointless, it was after the treaty ending the War of 1812 had been signed, and wasn't a presidential act)

James Buchanan (made the Civil War inevitable)

Andrew Johnson (cut Reconstruction short, leading to the baleful Jim Crow period)

Woodrow Wilson (while this might need explanation in other fora, it shouldn't here)

Lyndon B. Johnson (the "Great Society" programs he promulgated led to the collapse of family formation among African Americans, and he completely botched Vietnam)

(The last one was a tough call, but FDR's handling of WWII contrasted with LBJ's handling of Vietnam saved him from the ignominy being in the bottom 5.)

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Not only can you make the case that these are the worst 5, they may be the most dangerous 5 as well.


--- Quote from: bigheadfred on April 26, 2023, 09:15:59 pm ---I have GWB at 2 on the bottom side.

--- End quote ---

Looks like history is on your side, as more is learned.

In terms of damage to the Republic I rank them as follows:

1. Abraham Lincoln by a mile.
2. Woodrow Wilson
3. Ulysses S. Grant
4. William Jefferson Clinton
5. Barack Husein Obama


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