State Chapters > Florida

Abortion activists stormed Florida capitol as lawmakers debated new pro-life heartbeat law


Free Vulcan:

Prior to the passage of a new pro-life law in Florida, abortion activists made a final attempt to pressure lawmakers to reject the legislation by storming the capitol. 

On Thursday, a group of people advocating for women to legally be able to murder their unborn children entered the state capitol building to shout pro-abortion talking points and hurl trash at the legislators on the House floor. 

Activists were protesting SB 300, also known as the “Heartbeat Protection Act.” The legislation passed the state Senate earlier this month and cleared the House yesterday. Last night, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the bill into law, effectively banning abortion after a heartbeat is detected, with exceptions for cases of rape and incest. The new law includes additional state funds to provide families with material and emotional support.

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By the democrats' own definition, how is that not an insurrection?


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