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Win 10 to Win 11 Upgrade - Worth it or Not?

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--- Quote from: roamer_1 on April 17, 2023, 07:02:19 pm ---It's entirely possible, @DCPatriot ... You can protect files, folders, or the whole dang drive (though I really don't recommend it).

You can also protect through shares and permissions, though to a guy like me, that would hardly be a bother to crack.

You can also protect through after market encrypted containers... Or a password protected compression files...

There are ways and ways.

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Why doesn't WINDOWS have the select option when document is saved?  It's ridiculous.  :smokin:


--- Quote from: Elderberry on April 17, 2023, 11:24:08 am ---You can password protect file/documents with zip apps like WinZip, 7-Zip, etc.

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Handy... but not really stopping anyone that knows anything - Which might be good. It will keep every day Joe out of your junk... but it won't cost much for me to crack it when you forget the password  :laugh:

Except .arj . I have not looked in a while, but Jung's compression and password defied cracking. since hardly anyone uses it anymore, hard telling if anyone has bothered to continue trying to crack it.  :shrug:


--- Quote from: Kamaji on April 17, 2023, 11:47:20 am ---There are software solutions that will do that for you; however, it is not a built-in feature of, for example, the Windows OS or its file management system.

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Yes, Win can encrypt files, folders, and drives.


--- Quote from: Weird Tolkienish Figure on April 17, 2023, 01:51:56 pm ---A lot of people forget their password, and i you forget your password and encrypt you're out of luck. Might have something to do with it.

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Bitlocker is my bane. And anyone who uses it had better understand - if you forget, it's probably a brick.


--- Quote from: DCPatriot on April 17, 2023, 07:05:10 pm ---Why doesn't WINDOWS have the select option when document is saved?  It's ridiculous.  :smokin:

--- End quote ---

To save folks like y'all a butt-ton of dough... Paid to folks like me when you forget your password.  :laugh:


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