General Category > Elections 2024

Trump widens lead over DeSantis to 33 points in new survey

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Maj. Bill Martin:

--- Quote from: Kamaji on April 13, 2023, 04:53:18 pm ---Only one fly in that ointment - that's a rational decision, and that may be a problem.

--- End quote ---

If there's one thing that Trump truly understands, it's showmanship.  It's who he is.  He'll want the biggest stage, and the biggest crowds possible.  And if he wants to go out a hero, that would be the way to do it.  Also a good way to guarantee himself a pardon for any federal crimes....

So if someone does beat him for the nomination, the question will be which is greater, his desire to be loved, or his desire to get revenge on those who he believes have wronged him.  It'd be interesting.

   I see yall's point but IMHO, Trump lives in the moment, instant gratification, like a child.  He does not think long term, so I see him seeking a third party if the GOP Voters deny him something he thinks he deserves. 

   * Think his cat fights with Rosie Odonell were awful, just wait.


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