General Category > Elections 2024

Poll: Trump's popularity near all-time low, majority of independents think he broke the law in wake

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--- Quote ---See, MAGA voters are the majority of voters in the country, so they really don't need either so-called independents, or any non-MAGA Republicans.

Just ask any MAGA, and they'll tell you.

--- End quote ---

Here's one 🙋 and I'm telling you that this is wrong.   What we will not waste time pursuing are irrational, belligerent anti-Trump useful idiots ----- of any political stripe.   Everyone else is welcomed aboard the Trump Train.


--- Quote from: libertybele on April 12, 2023, 11:46:26 pm ---Well, IMHO I think Melania and Donald have a very complicated relationship.  She herself isn't exactly poor.

--- End quote ---

I find his wife a classy and sympathetic woman. As VP, she was fairly quiet. No telling children what they should eat in their school lunches. No claims of a “co presidency.”


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