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Can Anyone Beat Biden Or Trump In 2024 Primaries? I&I/TIPP Poll.. Terry Jones


Can Anyone Beat Biden Or Trump In 2024 Primaries? I&I/TIPP Poll
Terry Jones
April 10, 2023

It’s April but, with just 10 months to go, the clock is ticking down to January when the first two states (Iowa and New Hampshire) pick their favorites for president. The clear favorite for the Democrats is President Joe Biden, and for Republicans, former President Donald Trump. But neither contender can take their lead for granted, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows.

Look at the Democrats, for example. Biden is favored by 39% of Democrats and Democrat-leaning voters. That’s a four-point drop from 43% in March, according to the April online I&I/TIPP Poll of 662 Democrats/independents who lean Democrat, taken from March 29-31.
The poll has a +/-4.0 percentage point margin of error.

Who’s No. 2? Well, it’s not a person. It’s “Not sure/Someone else,” which received 11% of the responses. The only other “challenger” within even sniffing distance of double digits is Michelle Obama, at 8%, the same reading as March.

What about Vice President Kamala Harris? Unable to reverse her flagging popularity, she actually fell in the latest poll, from 9% backing in March to just 7% in April.

Only Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has increased his tally, going from 3% support to 5% in April, a gain that’s still within the margin of error.


Buttplug's up 2% after the Ohio Rail Disaster?

I think TIPP oversamples Antifa members. 

Trump and Biden can only defeat themselves.

America doesn't many esteemed political leaders left.  Most have sold out the country and been out for themselves.


--- Quote from: DefiantMassRINO on April 10, 2023, 03:31:41 pm ---Trump and Biden can only defeat themselves.

America doesn't many esteemed political leaders left.  Most have sold out the country and been out for themselves.

--- End quote ---

We all know that the dim party is nothing but human excrement, but in the case of the GOP, who wants to be subjected to Trump's sleazy Stone/Pecker slime machine, and have lies and misinformation shoved onto you and your family?

It's the Trump way. 

Maj. Bill Martin:
We don't even know who is running on either side, much less seen even the first debate.

If someone wants to run, they should do so without regard to the intentions of the current frontrunners.  Let voters rather than pollsters decide who wins.


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