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China / Taiwan

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Will China Invade Taiwan or not.. I figure all news pertaining to China and/or Taiwan should be posted here.

Check this out:

Why I'm afraid that Xi might do something:


--- Quote from: kevindavis007 on April 10, 2023, 12:21:27 am ---Will China Invade Taiwan or not.. I figure all news pertaining to China and/or Taiwan should be posted here.

--- End quote ---


Why bother when they can continue infiltrating "escapees" from "The Motherland" and let them become voting citizens?

Sooner or later,there will be enough of them registered to vote that they won't need to invade because Taiwan will just vote to become a part of China.

Kinda like the globalists are doing here and in Europe,with allowing refugees from South America to come here and pretty much retire in place the first day they are here by signing up  for all the welfare benefits,and being told that if they refuse to vote Dim they will be deported.

The Globalists in Europe are doing the same thing with refugees from all the Shitstainastans that flow in.

This is as obvious as the nose on our faces,but for some reason the media never seems to see it.

Go figure.


A journalist in China bravely filmed multiple Uyghur concentration camps where millions of Uyghur Muslims are detained. China claims the camps are for re-educational purposes, but multiple reports state that torture and genocide occurs within. This man risked his life to expose the truth.

from r/ADVChina
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