Author Topic: Kasich: Trump Will Never Be President — ‘Normal,’ Traditional Republicans Won’t Vote for Him  (Read 6150 times)

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Offline kevindavis007

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But not enough. No where NEAR enough. Sacrifice Conservative solidarity for nothing but a dentyne schwing and a twenty-trillion dollar bill...A base so poor they barely dragged his ass across the finish line against the most hated woman there is... And then LOST to a dingbat campaigning in a basement.

The only times we win at all is from the Right.

SURE it is. every bloody election they ALL move right. They ALL try to don the Conservative mantle. Which is why Conservatives traditionally vote record over promises from the stump.

Every major success for Republicans came from the Right. NOT the middle. Bush won from the middle, barely. Tumpy won from the left, barely. BOTH disguised as, and promising, from the RIGHT. Both unsuccessful regimes.

The only real advances came from the Right. Reagan, the 94 Congress, the TEA Party... ALL were crazy popular, all were grassroots, all overturned government from dog catcher all the way up.

The math ain't that hard. Conservatism works every time it's tried.

Wrong... Do you know how Reagan won? He won caused he appealed to the middle.   The 94 elections worked cause a lot of Senate candidates appealed to the middle to WIN STATEWIDE! As for the Tea Party, I don't call winning the House a success. A lot of Tea Party candidates lost STATEWIDE races cause they were batsh*t crazy! There was no in heck that Tea Party candidates where going to win in Blue states.

I'm sorry that is the truth.
Join The Reagan Caucus: and the Eisenhower Caucus:

Ronald Reagan: “Rather than...talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems and make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit…earning here they pay taxes here.”

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And now, a liberal in sheep's clothing walks the halls of power as a Republican, and WILL interfere every time meaningful legislation arises. One or two, and you might be right, But not now, when you can't vote your way out of a wet paper bag in either house.

Liberals are winning because they have no opposition. That opposition is supposed to be y'all.

Ah, the purity hack. In the mean time, y'all can't raise a damn issue without stepping on yourselves because of the 'impure'. Y'all are of no effect. EVERY advancement has come from the RIGHT, with few exceptions.

Then fine, then keep on enjoying losing elections.
Join The Reagan Caucus: and the Eisenhower Caucus:

Ronald Reagan: “Rather than...talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems and make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit…earning here they pay taxes here.”

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Wrong... Do you know how Reagan won? He won caused he appealed to the middle.

The awakening of Conservatism in modern times?

From the MIDDLE? Nah. Reagan came from the RIGHT, straight out of the Right wing. And his appeal was to the Right... Particularly the Christian Right, rising up a force never reckoned before... and the key to the Southern Strategy. That the middle came along is incidental.

The 94 elections worked cause a lot of Senate candidates appealed to the middle to WIN STATEWIDE!

The contract with America appealed to the right, not the middle. And its aim was directly toward issues of the right.

As for the Tea Party, I don't call winning the House a success. A lot of Tea Party candidates lost STATEWIDE races cause they were batsh*t crazy!

Still they overturned city, county, and state governments in record numbers.

There was no in heck that Tea Party candidates where going to win in Blue states.

Nothing from the right is going to win blue states. But winning blue states by turning blue is no win at all.

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Then fine, then keep on enjoying losing elections.

LOSING elections? No one does that better than the moderate right wing - And they're in power. No excuse, with MurderTurdle and the RNC trying to get them in...

Online libertybele

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LOSING elections? No one does that better than the moderate right wing - And they're in power. No excuse, with MurderTurdle and the RNC trying to get them in...

I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Offline sneakypete

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But not enough. No where NEAR enough. Sacrifice Conservative solidarity ...



Don't let ANYONE tell you that you don't have a sense of humor!
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Don't let ANYONE tell you that you don't have a sense of humor!

It is absolutely true @sneakypete .

Offline sneakypete

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The awakening of Conservatism in modern times?

From the MIDDLE? Nah. Reagan came from the RIGHT, straight out of the Right wing. And his appeal was to the Right... Particularly the Christian Right, rising up a force never reckoned before... and the key to the Southern Strategy. That the middle came along is incidental.

The contract with America appealed to the right, not the middle. And its aim was directly toward issues of the right.

Still they overturned city, county, and state governments in record numbers.

Nothing from the right is going to win blue states. But winning blue states by turning blue is no win at all.


I am a big fan  of Reagan,as well as Barry Goldwater.

Reagan won because he was such a likable guy. A huge part of that was he was able to  appear to be genuinely  amused at the attacks the left put on him,and would laugh his was out of the accussation,and then turn that on the Dims.

Goldwater was unsuccessful because of the times he was running. The voting public was afraid of a candidate that seemed humorless and who was so intense.

ANYBODY that was able to vote that DIDN'T vote for Goldwater was/is a  freaking fool.

Which just means there are a lot of fools voting.

What makes this even worse today is the left virtually OWNS the broadcast and print media. When ANY party has control over the issues and the dialogue,they  are virtually impossible to beat using traditional candidates.

In one respect,Trump WILL win in the long run because history will prove him to have been both right and robbed.
Robbed by both the Dims and the "Miss Manners" alleged Republicans. Not that it will matter by then because America will no longer exist as "America,the land of the free",but in some corporate form with a name like "The North American Economic Zone",and populated by "good little robots" because that WILL be what it will take to get ahead and be successful.

But you "Miss Manners" types just go ahead and keep playing your stupid games if that's what pulls your trigger. After all,"compromise" is for commies,NOT people that demand THEIR version of "perfect conservatism",right?
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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Question: Who determines who is a RINO or not?  I think we need to stop playing these RINO games cause in reality we don't have the numbers to carry and candidate across the finish line.  The reality is this we are not going to get a Ted Cruz type of person elected in the state of Illinois. , So, therefore, a moderate GOP is desired over a Dem.

But if you want to continue to play RINO hunting games go right ahead. Just enjoy losing elections while waiting for the pure "conservative". Now Trump I personally think that Trump is truly a RINO.  I just don't buy his sudden conversion.


You are wrong. He is a life-long businessman that primarily dealt and socialized with the uber-wealthy NYC left because that was where the money  and the connections were/are,and his job/responsibility to to play kissy-face with them so he would be risking THEIR money,not his in any new investment he was considering.

Now he is old and is looking at how the history books will view him,and his massive ego DEMANDS he go down in history as "The President that saved America",and that this IS his last shot at THAT "Golden Ticket".

The FACT that he and his father BOTH  spent the majority of their lives "buddying up" to the international banking set in NYC,and knows all of them personally,which means he also knows a great deal about how they operate and who they operate with,has the Corporate and Banking Czars that basically control our economy having nightmares about federal banking probes,insider deals,etc,etc,etc.

THIS is what makes him such a threat to the left,and make no mistake about it,the wealthiest men and women in America ARE hard leftists for everybody BUT themselves. When you reach a certain level of wealth,such as Bill Gates and others at his level,there ARE no rules for all practical purposes. Words like "left" and "right" are meaningless in a "It's all about me,me,ME,DAMMIT!" world,and that IS the world that the uber rich live in.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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But not enough. No where NEAR enough. Sacrifice Conservative solidarity for nothing but a dentyne schwing and a twenty-trillion dollar bill...A base so poor they barely dragged his ass across the finish line against the most hated woman there is... And then LOST to a dingbat campaigning in a basement.


Jealousy is never pretty.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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I am a big fan  of Reagan,as well as Barry Goldwater.

Reagan won because he was such a likable guy. A huge part of that was he was able to  appear to be genuinely  amused at the attacks the left put on him,and would laugh his was out of the accussation,and then turn that on the Dims.


Reagan was likeable, sure, but political historians, and Reagan himself attributed his win to the Southern Strategy - Winning the South. And he did that by appealing to Christians specifically, to raise up a political bulwark against declining morals and specifically against abortion - By offering the Social Right (The Christian Right) a seat at the Conservative table, Reagan succeeded where Goldwater failed... And awakened a powerful juggernaut.

Goldwater was unsuccessful because of the times he was running. The voting public was afraid of a candidate that seemed humorless and who was so intense.

Goldwater lost because he didn't have the numbers. Christians provided Reagan those numbers, and guaranteed those numbers to the right, providing Republicans kept Reagan's promise... Which it does no longer. And only a direct inheritor of Reagan can fix that. IOW, the Christians will hear the Reagan/Goldwater wing, as the ones who made the promise, and are the only ones willing to keep the promise.

In one respect,Trump WILL win in the long run because history will prove him to have been both right and robbed.

He was not right. History will not be kind to Tumpy.

Robbed by both the Dims and the "Miss Manners" alleged Republicans. Not that it will matter by then because America will no longer exist as "America,the land of the free",but in some corporate form with a name like "The North American Economic Zone",and populated by "good little robots" because that WILL be what it will take to get ahead and be successful.

But you "Miss Manners" types just go ahead and keep playing your stupid games if that's what pulls your trigger. After all,"compromise" is for commies,NOT people that demand THEIR version of "perfect conservatism",right?

Demanding character and integrity is part and parcel with Conservatism. And it proves true. Tumpy governed as a liberal, using big government and NYC values.

Not a matter of 'perfect' conservatism...  He GREW government. He GREW debt. He damaged liberty. That's not conservatism at all.

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Jealousy is never pretty.

Again, not jealous in the least. Tumpy has nothing I want.

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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Thing is, Trump is polling way better than you'd expect vs. Biden. Still too close to comfort for my tastes (I'd rather see Desantis but either are better than Biden or any other Democrat).

Online Hoodat

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Then fine, then keep on enjoying losing elections.

Electing liberal Republicans who cede all their power over to the GOPe and continue to give Democrats everything they could possibly want is not my idea of 'winning' elections.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

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Jealousy is never pretty.


You never disappoint

I figured you’d come up with something like this
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

Barry Goldwater

My Avatar is my adult autistic son Tommy

Offline sneakypete

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The awakening of Conservatism in modern times?

From the MIDDLE? Nah. Reagan came from the RIGHT, straight out of the Right wing. And his appeal was to the Right... Particularly the Christian Right, rising up a force never reckoned before... and the key to the Southern Strategy. That the middle came along is incidental.




The "Right" in the days of Reagan would be called the "Mushy Moderates" of today. People like Barry Goldwater were considered to be radical bomb-throwers. And THIS was back in the day when MOST Americans considered themselves to be conservatives.

Basically,Reagan won because he was a career actor as well as a VERY smart man. He didn't mind playing "the uniformed dummy" under the right circumstances BECAUSE HE WAS PLAYING A ROLE SO HE COULD GET ELECTED.

It was his public persona as well as his controlled temperment,his acting ability,and his wit that got him elected. He came across as a VERY likeable man that the typical teebee viewer could identify with  and wanted  to be friends with.

Unlike Trump,Reagan had spent his whole career as an actor,and there is probably no better training for a man or woman that decides to enter politics because you are basically "selling your persona" to the voters.

I freely admit that Trump's personality that makes him want to say what he really thinks regardless of the effect it has on Steve and Susie Sixpack hurts him. I just hope that in addition to a LOT of voters being fed up with leftism and things like the flood of illegal aliens taking away their jobs,that they can get past his personality and see that his ego DEMANDING he goes down in the history books as "The man that saved America from Globalism" is enough to overcome their natural prejudices against a man so  arrogant and wealthy.

Defeating class warfare with the typical voters IS a "tough hill to climb",though. Even if you KNOW America would be better and safer if you do.

Envy is probably the most powerful negative emotion any of us ever have to deal with,and for the typical working couple struggling to make house,car,and  insurance payments in this day of hyper-inflation doesn't make it any easier.

Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Online Hoodat

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Wrong... Do you know how Reagan won? He won caused he appealed to the middle.

Reagan appealed to the middle by offering them Conservatism.  He provided them an actual alternative to the liberal bullshit Democrats had been pushing for the last decade and a half - something that Ford, GHW Bush, Dole, etc. did not.

The 94 elections worked cause a lot of Senate candidates appealed to the middle to WIN STATEWIDE!

The '94 elections worked, again because the GOP offered a Conservative alternative to Democrat policies of the last half century.  A key proponent of that was Equal Protection (i.e. making members of Congress subject to the same rules and laws affecting everyone else).  In a nutshell, the '94 contract with America was a treatise of limitation on the powers of Government.  And that in itself appealed to moderates.

The 94 elections worked cause a lot of Senate candidates appealed to the middle to WIN STATEWIDE! As for the Tea Party, I don't call winning the House a success. A lot of Tea Party candidates lost STATEWIDE races cause they were batsh*t crazy! There was no in heck that Tea Party candidates where going to win in Blue states.

The 2010 election gave us Mike Lee in Utah, Nikki Haley and Tim Scott in South Carolina, Scott Brown in Kennedy's seat in Massachusetts, Rand Paul in Kentucky, and Mark Rubio in Florida.  The biggest enemy they faced (and continue to face) is the Republican Party.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

Online Hoodat

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The awakening of Conservatism in modern times?

From the MIDDLE? Nah. Reagan came from the RIGHT, straight out of the Right wing. And his appeal was to the Right... Particularly the Christian Right, rising up a force never reckoned before... and the key to the Southern Strategy. That the middle came along is incidental.

It cannot be emphasized enough that the very person responsible for torpedoing Reagan's 1976 run for President is the exact same person Trump chose to run his campaign in 2016.
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

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The "Right" in the days of Reagan would be called the "Mushy Moderates" of today. People like Barry Goldwater were considered to be radical bomb-throwers. And THIS was back in the day when MOST Americans considered themselves to be conservatives.


The right I am speaking of was the Goldwater wing of the Republican party, as opposed to the moderate wing or the liberal wing...

Now called the Reagan/Goldwater wing, to the degree that it still exists.

Reagan came out of Goldwater (the right wing machine).
Reagan governed California from the right, for two successful terms..
Reagan governed the US from the right, for two successful terms.

There is no question he was Conservative, and shared with Goldwater, deserves to be called the father of modern political Conservatism.

Online Hoodat

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Reagan was likeable, sure, but political historians, and Reagan himself attributed his win to the Southern Strategy - Winning the South. And he did that by appealing to Christians specifically, to raise up a political bulwark against declining morals and specifically against abortion - By offering the Social Right (The Christian Right) a seat at the Conservative table, Reagan succeeded where Goldwater failed... And awakened a powerful juggernaut.

If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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The right I am speaking of was the Goldwater wing of the Republican party, as opposed to the moderate wing or the liberal wing...

Now called the Reagan/Goldwater wing, to the degree that it still exists.

Reagan came out of Goldwater (the right wing machine).
Reagan governed California from the right, for two successful terms..
Reagan governed the US from the right, for two successful terms.

There is no question he was Conservative, and shared with Goldwater, deserves to be called the father of modern political Conservatism.


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There is no question he was Conservative, and shared with Goldwater, deserves to be called the father of modern political Conservatism.

If you look at the states won by Reagan that were lost by Goldwater, it went way beyond a successful "southern strategy".    Reagan succeeded because he didn't make any enemies unless it was absolutely necessary.  That disarmed much of the criticism Democrats had levied against Goldwater as an extremist eager to start wars.  It also enabled him to unite the entire GOP behind him, as well as make more conservative Democrats feel included.

"Us v Them" only works if you define the "them" narrowly.   If you define it too broadly -- which is one of Trump's key mistakes -- then you alienate the exact people you need to both win and govern effectively.   Winning an election doesn't do you a lot of good if you don't have a coalition capable of enacting legislative change.  Instead, you'll at best just get Executive Orders on some subjects that can be reversed easily by the next President.    With Trump...even if he somehow managed to get re-elected, he's not going to be able to enact his agenda.

Offline DefiantMassRINO

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A RINO is in the eye of the beholder.

Any Republican who thinks for himself will be called a RINO at some point.
"Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time... I think I've forgotten this before." - Steven Wright

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That is exactly wrong @DCPatriot , and exactly why the Republican party is so full of RINOs... And that is exactly why the Republican party is not able to fight.

THAT is the problem. And it is not fixed by stacking all your chips on a messiah. What fixes it is very selective voting toward adherence to orthodoxy, from the ground up.  PERIOD.

That's the fix, TEA Party style. That is what will build a Conservative political machine that WILL fight.
And that is the ONLY thing. All the rest is bullcrap.

You're soooo obtuse when it comes to common sense on this mater.

We don't have the time to "...have it YOUR way" ... your utopian brand of Conservatism.

The Republic DIES within a decade if this controlled demolition is allowed to continue.

If I were Donald Trump, on the very day I'm inaugurated, I'd declare a State of Emergency and invoke Martial Law in Washington, D.C.

I'd have all the dirty SOBs responsible for the past 14 years' destruction arrested in pre-dawn, well-publicized raids.  Barack Obama (the precedent is set), Joe Biden, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, John Brennan, Peter Strozk...the Chairpersons of the Boards of NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN,

...and that's just before the sun sets on January 20, 2025.
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

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Offline DefiantMassRINO

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Where was Repub fiscal conservatism when Bush '43 and Trump '45 were in the White House?
"Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time... I think I've forgotten this before." - Steven Wright

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