Author Topic: Arizona governor vetoes bill that would stop homeless from camping on streets and sidewalks  (Read 4042 times)

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Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs vetoed SB 1024 on March 30, a bill that would have prevented camping on any right-of-way, such as a sidewalk or street.

The bill, which passed in the Senate 16-13 and the House 33-27, would have been a landmark piece of legislation in a state that has experienced a dramatic increase in homelessness. Between 2020 and 2022, Arizona experienced a 23% increase in its homeless population, despite only a 1% increase nationwide.

The bill read, “A person may not erect or maintain in a public street, highway, alley, lane, parkway, sidewalk or other right-of-way, whether the right-of-way is dedicated to the public in fee or by easement, any full or partial enclosure for habitation, including a tent, tarp box or similar object.”

In essence, if the bill were not vetoed, any homeless encampments would be subject to removal by law enforcement. According to Hobbs, the bill does not solve the housing crisis but only makes it more difficult for people experiencing homelessness to live.
The Republic is lost.

Offline HikerGuy83

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Color me shocked.

Offline libertybele

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So, Arizona will begin to have a situation just like San Francisco. Wonderful!
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Offline HikerGuy83

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City Councils can pass such ordinances and then the state will have to come after them. 

It's about time some of them stepped up.

Online roamer_1

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I don't see how it is the State's business...

You would think that's the sort of thing for counties and cities to worry about.

Most state lands already limit dispersion camping to 10 days to 2 weeks.

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Online Fishrrman

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Like it or not, Arizona's a blue state now.
Just light blue at the moment, perhaps, but ... trending deeper.

Offline HikerGuy83

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Like it or not, Arizona's a blue state now.
Just light blue at the moment, perhaps, but ... trending deeper.

Kansas has had more democratic governors than republican over the past three decades. 

We gave you the moronic Kathleen Sebelius for two terms.  When it wasn't a moron left-winger, it was the idiot Sam Brownback.

Before he was governor, the great idiot Brownback was a Senator.  We also had the scheister Pat Roberts.  They (the Kansas GOP nearly lost both of those seats).  Arizona almost won...the two are not that far apart.

And Kansas is not a blue state.

Kansas, like Arizona picks some real losers.

Offline libertybele

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Any state can easily go from red to blue.  I dread the thought of what is going to happen to FL once DeSantis' term is up.
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Offline HikerGuy83

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Any state can easily go from red to blue.  I dread the thought of what is going to happen to FL once DeSantis' term is up.

If a state goes Blue, it is the fault of the GOP.

We don't seem to message worth poop.

AZ is not blue.  Mesa (recently voted the most conservative city in the country) is about to pass Tucson in population.

That negates that outhouse to the south.

At the same time, Ruben Gallegos roams about unchallenged in his mindless rhetoric.

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Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Offline Free Vulcan

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Good luck.

Hobbs is an idiot.

Yes. I thought for the longest time she was arrogant and evil, but really I think she's just a stupid, vapid puppet. Realize now why they hid her so much during the campaign.
The Republic is lost.

Offline HikerGuy83

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Yes. I thought for the longest time she was arrogant and evil, but really I think she's just a stupid, vapid puppet. Realize now why they hid her so much during the campaign.

She's to stupid to be evil. 

But apparently, a lot of Arizonan's are pretty stupid too.

I realize there are different sides, but this one blows my mind.

Now....if conservatives were doing the job we should do, we should be passing that law at the municiple level.  And slugging it out with the state.

In  this case it might be that conservatives have ceded Phoenix (which they should not) and are trying an end-run. 

Time to get back in the fight.

Of course, Ruben Gallegos is still prancing about with his "**** show" campaign.  Pretty much saying what he wants unchallenged.

We suck.

Offline cato potatoe

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She’ll be there until 2031 if the republicans continue their war on “establishment” candidates.

Offline HikerGuy83

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She’ll be there until 2031 if the republicans continue their war on “establishment” candidates.

Can't disaagree.

That does not mean she isn't stupid.  She is.

It just means we are even more so.