Why we honor Vietnam Veterans Day
Jessica Evans
Published March 29, 2023 11:52:01
Each year on March 29, we observe National Vietnam Veterans Day. This day honors those who fought in the Vietnam War. When they returned from Vietnam, they were met with hatred, resentment and judgment, solely for doing their jobs. Now, we treat them as we always should have: with honor and respect.
It’s also a day to reflect on the lessons learned from the Vietnam War. In this way, we can show our resolve as Americans so that we don’t repeat the mistakes of that conflict.
When was National Vietnam Veterans Day established?
A presidential proclamation established National Vietnam Veterans Day in 2000 on the 25th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War. On March 29, 1973, the last remaining U.S. service members left Vietnam. So it’s only fitting that this date is observed.
Impact on American Military