Author Topic: Two arrested after Antifa attack pro-life students, shut down speaking event at VCU  (Read 1858 times)

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Two arrested after Antifa attack pro-life students, shut down speaking event at Virginia Commonwealth University
Hoskins was charged with simple assault and Marvin was charged with disorderly conduct.
  Mar 31, 2023
Hannah Nightingale
The Post Millennial
During a Students for Life of America (SFLA) event on Wednesday at Virginia Commonwealth University, pro-life organizers were forced by campus police to shut down their event after Antifa members got violent, assaulting pro-life attendees. Two people were arrested.

The event featured SFLA President Kristin Hawkins and Student Ambassador Isabel Brown who were set to talk about "lies pro-choicers believe," according to an SFLA blog post.

Hawkins and Brown were shouted down by protestors, many of whom were carrying signs and covering their faces, some of which were dressed in black.

The Antifa disruptors shouted "fascists go home," "Nazis go home," and "f*ck pro-lifers," and used their signs to block those who were taking video of the crowd in the room. ...

Offline Kamaji

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Only two?

Offline DefiantMassRINO

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Should have arrested the A-holes and let the event continue.

We should not allow a couple of people to stop discussion, debate, and speech.

If we shutdown events when a couple of A-holes act out, they win.  Antifa wants to shutdown discussion, debate, and speech.  They succeeded at this event.

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Offline DefiantMassRINO

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Libs don't let a couple of agitators stop their happenings ...

The all-time classic, Don't Tase Me Bro:
"Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time... I think I've forgotten this before." - Steven Wright

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Online mountaineer

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Abortion protestors attacked a pro-life event at Virginia Commonwealth University featuring Students for Life of America President Kristen Hawkins and Turning Point USA contributor Isabel Brown. The university eventually removed the speakers from the room, leading Brown to say, “Why the violent protesters weren’t removed, but two pro-life women were, still baffles me.”

Hawkins and Brown were speaking at Virginia Commonwealth University for a Wednesday event titled, “Lies Pro-Choicers Believe,” when leftist students and other protestors — who Students for Life of America says were Antifa members — hijacked the event.  ...

Hawkins added that “campus police at VCU is shutting down our peaceful assembly because of these fascists right here. So they’re going to let these big crybabies, these fascists, get their way.”

“Tonight at @VCU, @KristanHawkins and I were removed by campus police from our @StudentsforLife speaking event after Antifa began throwing punches at pro-life students and screamed ‘GET OUT NAZI FASCISTS’ for about an hour,” Brown revealed on Twitter.

“Why the violent protesters weren’t removed, but two pro-life women were, still baffles me,” she added.   ... Abortion Protestors Attack Pro-Life Event at Virginia Commonwealth U., Two Arrested