General Category > Economy/Business

Egg company sees 718% profit surge as prices soar

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Lando Lincoln:
Here’s a chicken story from my youth. We had a “clucking” hen that lived for hatching her own brood. With one brood, she kept rejecting an egg from the nest. I candled the egg and could see that it was viable. So, I placed it in my homemade incubator (still have it!). When the chick emerged from the egg, it only had one leg. The wonders of nature.


--- Quote from: roamer_1 on March 30, 2023, 08:32:01 pm ---They come up here from the ranch 4 dozen at a time... I keep em in the fridge, but they keep fine... And I mostly only eat 2 or 3 for breakfast a day...

As for keeping em, I save cartons. So just transfer from the flat to the cartons. And then they stack in the footprint of one carton, which is nicer on critical refrigerator real estate.

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Good grief I should have thought of that -- save the darn cartons. Thanks @roamer_1  :beer:


--- Quote from: libertybele on March 30, 2023, 08:34:38 pm ---The community tried to get the city ordinance changed so we could have chickens -- unfortunately no such luck.

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Sorry for you.  :shrug:

I can't live like that. And I won't.


--- Quote from: Lando Lincoln on March 30, 2023, 08:36:41 pm ---Here’s a chicken story from my youth. We had a “clucking” hen that lived for hatching her own brood. With one brood, she kept rejecting an egg from the nest. I candled the egg and could see that it was viable. So, I placed it in my homemade incubator (still have it!). When the chick emerged from the egg, it only had one leg. The wonders of nature.

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Ain't it?

Same with a bitch eating her pups.
Yeah it's gross, and seems wrong...
but usually there is a reason.


--- Quote from: libertybele on March 30, 2023, 08:37:20 pm ---Good grief I should have thought of that -- save the darn cartons. Thanks @roamer_1  :beer:

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Second nature here... because of egg sales. We never have enough cartons. I buy store eggs for boiling, so saving the cartons for the egg sales just became second nature. Not so much now... we just buy cartons.


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