General Category > Second Amendment

American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten Calls for Gun Ban

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--- Quote from: Kamaji on March 29, 2023, 09:54:42 pm ---The problem isn't guns; the problem is the mentally ill, and the fact that liberals like the AFT are egging those people on to greater and greater acts of rage and anger, until they engage in violence.

Trans is mental illness, and so-called "affirming treatment" is simply making it worse and egging on the violence.

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We are in trouble as a society when we are expected to give up our rights because of political correctness and wokeness. Expecting our society to accept homosexuality, transexuality and whatever others "identify themselves as" is promoting the further decay of our society, This situation is proof that we have created a disaster.

Years ago being a homosexual was classified as a mental illness; the psychologists, doctors, etc., changed that and determined that homosexuality was not a mental illness.  Clearly this transexual had mental issues.  Guns aren't the issue, mental illness is the issue.  Anyone that takes shots at innocents has mental issues. 

Our government is allowing and condoning gender changes on young children and making them question their gender identity.  Yes, as a society we are in deep trouble.  I can't help but wonder what other nations who don't accept homosexuality are thinking about us?


--- Quote from: libertybele on March 29, 2023, 10:27:07 pm ---We are in trouble as a society when we are expected to give up our rights because of political correctness and wokeness. Expecting our society to accept homosexuality, transexuality and whatever others "identify themselves as" is promoting the further decay of our society, This situation is proof that we have created a disaster.

Years ago being a homosexual was classified as a mental illness; the psychologists, doctors, etc., changed that and determined that homosexuality was not a mental illness.  Clearly this transexual had mental issues.  Guns aren't the issue, mental illness is the issue.  Anyone that takes shots at innocents has mental issues. 

Our government is allowing and condoning gender changes on young children and making them question their gender identity.  Yes, as a society we are in deep trouble.  I can't help but wonder what other nations who don't accept homosexuality are thinking about us?

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Whether homosexuality is a mental illness - a discussion for another time - trans is necessarily a mental illness because the whole basis for it, so-called body dysphoria, is by definition a mental illness.

I want government out of education. Drop the whole corrupt Federal system that wasn't constitutional to begin with. It is nothing but an anti-American indoctrination system now that bloats government and wastes taxes.


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