General Category > Elections 2024

THAT WAS QUICK: DeSantis Donors Reportedly Recommending DeSantis Sit This One Out

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--- Quote from: Maj. Bill Martin on March 29, 2023, 06:46:46 pm ---Okay, I know you're going to disagree with this.pretty strongly, but I don't think most of them are just looking for a cut of the lie.  Most of them have some core beliefs that motivated them to run for office in the first place.   They generally aren't our beliefs, but they do have them.

And obviously, there are some exceptions to that who basically have become about nothing more than getting their cut of the pie. But most of them still believe in something.

But to answer your question, I can't really answer that question for you.  I was just making the general point that sometimes when we form an initial opinion of someone, we stick to that opinion even when there are facts that should lead to the revision of that opinion.

I think Trump is truly exceptional at articulating many of the legitimate grievances of a huge swath of the American people, including myself.   That earned him a ton of fans who were extremely hopeful that as the guy who best articulated, in ordinary English, what those problems were, he was the guy best equipped to fix them.

In my opinion, it just hasn't turned out that way.  I think he lacks the attention to detail and necessary understanding of the legal and governmental systems to get things done. I also think he has a personality that while extremely entertaining, rubs a lot of people the wrong way. As a result, he just can't fix the problems he is able to identify.   But I think a lot of people have put so much hope into a guy who sees things the same way they do that they can't judge his effectiveness objectively.

Alternatives?  Well, a guy like DeSantis isn't nearly as entertaining or charismatic as is Trump. He can't captivate a crowd the same way, and he can't articulate those grievances in a way that is as appealing.  However, I do believe he has shown himself to be conservative in the way he is governed his state, and has shown himself to be an excellent administrator who understands the ins and outs of the governmental and legal systems.  So to me personally, I think he has a better chance than Trump to actually make many of the changes that Trump has been talking about.

That doesn't mean he's the only guy. I'm personally still keeping my here ears open in the primaries to see what the rest of them say.

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Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: LMAO on March 29, 2023, 02:48:58 pm ---We don’t need to point out how we don’t hate Donald Trump, or that there were things he did in his presidency that were spot on. We have every right to critique what he did wrong during his presidency along with all this preposterous stuff he’s spewing out now

This future city nonsense and  paying people to have babies is ridiculous. It doesn’t matter who it comes from. This is “squad” type bullshit.

Everybody pointed example after  example where Trump’s city idea has resulted in failure, and his supporters still choose to remain blind. You’re never gonna convince them no matter how many examples you show them that this has failed.
You would think that the city idea would at least give them some pause.

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When he can build a 'shining city' that doesn't export its garbage, its sewage, and its rules, maybe he will have something. But people who live in cities live in a different world from those in more rural areas, have no concept of what is necessary to life in the boonies, and would not recognize some of the tools that are part of everyday life here.

All too often, they maintain their illusion of cleanliness by exporting their trash and effluent, whether it is dumped into the Atlantic dead zone off New York, or spread on farm fields allegedly pathogen free, (but containing God only knows what), to be concentrated in crops and consumed later.
Even the whole notion (as in electric cars) that they are 'emission free' only relocates the dirty aspects to somewhere else that doesn't have enough people to outvote that cluster of humanity in that shining hive.

(If you can't tell, well, I have little to no use for cities). Especially in this day and age when information could be disseminated at near light speed, apart from museums (which gather the best of the best from elsewhere and concentrate it for the amusement of urbanites and to attract people from places where those items were gathered), I see little use for cities.

Unfortunately, (and I did vote for Trump in 2020) I am seeing what seem like a series of unforced errors. When you are established as a political figure, and not as an entertainment one, the old saw about there being no such thing as bad publicity no longer holds true. I expect some more wise and restrained behaviour.

Almost all of America wants America to do better, we're tired of seeing money go to things we would never donate to promote, and not having the option to say 'no'--nor, for that matter effective representation to thwart some of the egregiously destructive policies that have been emplaced.
Some good business sense would be welcome, control of the borders (still a winning issue), energy independence--which would lower energy costs and reduce the impact of inflation--(because cheaper fuel makes everything less expensive), and an end to the Greenonsense that pervades almost every aspect of our culture, from banking to vehicles.
We're aghast at the incredible proliferation of pie-in-the-sky policies that will lead to economic ruin and civil breakdown, and are already doing so.

Spending money we don't have is not an option, but we need to rebuild our military, secure the borders, and strengthen our manufacturing and resource production base. We can only foster that by getting Government out of the way, by not bailing out banks which fail because they have placed diversity over sound investment or which work contrary to the ends of making this nation stronger.

building more hotbeds of Leftist dogma (cities) sure seems like the wrong direction to me, as bad as catering to the mentally ill and fostering the corruption of our very culture.


--- Quote from: Smokin Joe on March 29, 2023, 08:01:54 pm ---
Even the whole notion (as in electric cars) that they are 'emission free' 

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@Smokin Joe

Even people aren't "emission free".

Smokin Joe:

--- Quote from: sneakypete on March 29, 2023, 09:47:27 pm ---@Smokin Joe

Even people aren't "emission free".

--- End quote ---
Nothing is. Not even rocks (they just take a little longer, but there's lots of them).


--- Quote ---Maj. Bill Martin...
The way I look at it, Trump deserves to be opposed with the best we've got.  The thought of him waltzing to the nomination would say something kind of sick about the GOP.
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Fact is, the GOP is worse than sick.  Like someone else further up the thread, I say we have a uni-party, one dedicated to establishing a globalist governance across the planet.  And I believe it is possible that Trump endorses globalism, for he sure appointed his share of globalists into key positions of his administration.

With this Alvin Bragg move, I see DeSantis not jumping in, for this act will serve as a huge motivator to unify folks behind Trump.  I say, how do you know that what Bragg is doing is not exactly what Trump wanted?  Perhaps even knowingly coordinated with the Trump camp?  Seriously.  Indicting Trump on a misdemeanor, something that had a two year statute of limitations, which has come and gone, makes no sense.   But it does make sense if it is intended to unify Republicans, and all others that would consider supporting Trump.

I welcome DeSantis because I believe he is most qualified to be our next POTUS.


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