Author Topic: Elections Have Consequences; Stolen Elections Have Catastrophes  (Read 1166 times)

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Offline goatprairie

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Re: Elections Have Consequences; Stolen Elections Have Catastrophes
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2023, 02:50:19 pm »
For starters, the election was not 'won by millions of votes', because the POTUS is not elected by popular vote, but by the vote of the electoral college.

Biden's electoral vote count hinged on five states, five states that stopped counting almost simultaneously with Donald Trump securely in the lead, but had overwhelmingly large numbers of additional votes for Biden when they resumed counting in the morning. The aggregate of the total vote 'lead' claimed in those states was only about 200,000 ballots.
Those States' electoral votes were awarded on margins as slim as 11,000 ballots.
All five of those states (aside from questionable sudden jumps in Biden's count) had things in common. Election rules were changed by parties other than the State Legislatures, in violation of the US Constitution. Ballot harvesting and mail in ballots were used (lawfully or otherwise), and there were more than enough questionable ballots to make up the 'margin of victory', often counted without supervision.
There were fractional ballots noted, which reeks of using an algorithm to ensure a specific percentage of the votes went to one candidate (Biden). There should never be a fraction of a vote.
Watch 2000 Mules. Using the same technology that the FBI used to place people on the Capitol Grounds on J6, specific individuals were tracked via geolocation data making circuits of ballot dropboxes and returning to locations believed to warehouse batches of ballots.

Individuals were observed on video depositing handfuls of ballots and photographing themselves doing so using their phones (credibly, to be paid for depositing those ballots).

Electronic vote counting equipment was not secure, and when attempts were made to audit it, had been wiped in violation of the law. etc. etc. etc.
Attempts to bring these and other specific complaints of illegal irregularities to light in court were met with summary dismissal, never reaching the Discovery phase (where evidence is actually examined).
None of the myriad cases brought over the election went to trial, nor was the evidence ever examined.

They were not "lost" as those who tout the election as legitimate have repeatedly said, the cases were never heard, even when Texas sued and the Supreme Court refused to hear a case, despite it being the Constitutional court of Primary Jurisdiction in matters between the States. Those cases start at the top, and the top looked the other way.

I could go on, but if people want to ignore all that, then nothing I say will make any difference.
2000 Mules has been pretty much debunked by both liberal and conservative skeptics. D'Souza appeared to do what many fakers do....come up with the result first and then do the "research" to justify the result.
After more than two years I still haven't seen anything that shows massive fraud of the kind that would turn an election. And as we're talking about Donald Trump who lies about everything, it's highly doubtful we ever will.