State Chapters > California

Biden will let California lead on electric trucks, despite industry protest

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--- Quote from: Kamaji on March 23, 2023, 06:33:48 pm ---Yes, I have.  If one has an ICE that will run on still-produced 'shine, great; I don't think that one will acquire such an ICE simply by going down to the local auto-parts store, however.

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That depends...
Thanks to ethanol, modern engines can take the alcohol. It's the compression - the octane - that will rattle em apart now. You can lower the octane several ways that I don't know right off... But water does, I know... Think Heet. But that is steam, and you are right back to needing to handle higher compression.

So technically, an analog engine that is made for compression, with brass guides and close machining (to handle the alcohol) has a fair chance.

Mine burns premium. But it really, really likes octane booster and runs really nice on 25% AV gas. And it is close milled with flat tops, after-market rods, high-volume oil, and brass guides (kinda standard build for me).

SO it is on the bubble. Like I said, I think it would run on shine if I could deaden the blow a little safely..
It would certainly run alright at 25% shine as a supplement, which might take the edge off of crazy gas prices...


--- Quote from: roamer_1 on March 23, 2023, 07:05:14 pm ---That depends...
Thanks to ethanol, modern engines can take the alcohol. It's the compression - the octane - that will rattle em apart now. You can lower the octane several ways that I don't know right off... But water does, I know... Think Heet. But that is steam, and you are right back to needing to handle higher compression.

So technically, an analog engine that is made for compression, with brass guides and close machining (to handle the alcohol) has a fair chance.

Mine burns premium. But it really, really likes octane booster and runs really nice on 25% AV gas. And it is close milled with flat tops, after-market rods, high-volume oil, and brass guides (kinda standard build for me).

SO it is on the bubble. Like I said, I think it would run on shine if I could deaden the blow a little safely..
It would certainly run alright at 25% shine as a supplement, which might take the edge off of crazy gas prices...

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If it needs any quantity of gasoline to run, then it will be at the mercy of the EV-fascists.  Once a sufficient percentage of EVs have been mandated, gasoline supplies will begin to be restricted, and eventually sale of gasoline will be prohibited - one will have to be a government employee to obtain any - and thus those who are not in a privileged position will either have to go to EVs, or operate ICE vehicles that can run on something the owner can self-produce, like shine.  That may reinvigorate the old illegal moonshine networks, however, since production of alcohol beyond about 100 gallons a year for personal use, is subject to federal, and possibly state, excise tax.


--- Quote from: Kamaji on March 23, 2023, 07:31:26 pm ---If it needs any quantity of gasoline to run, then it will be at the mercy of the EV-fascists.  Once a sufficient percentage of EVs have been mandated, gasoline supplies will begin to be restricted, and eventually sale of gasoline will be prohibited - one will have to be a government employee to obtain any - and thus those who are not in a privileged position will either have to go to EVs, or operate ICE vehicles that can run on something the owner can self-produce, like shine.  That may reinvigorate the old illegal moonshine networks, however, since production of alcohol beyond about 100 gallons a year for personal use, is subject to federal, and possibly state, excise tax.

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I hate to tell you... But shine networks never left. There's still plenty of good ol boys up in the holler making mash.

BUT, more to the point, even if, there's still diesel/kerosene... Which I am less educated on, but I have a buddy that does it. so the knowledge is there... And propane...

Hell, I don't care. If push comes to shove, I am happy as hell on a horse.

The point being it would be hard to keep rural parts down.


--- Quote from: roamer_1 on March 23, 2023, 07:05:14 pm ---That depends...
But water does, I know... Think Heet. But that is steam, and you are right back to needing to handle higher compression.

--- End quote ---

Back in the mid 80's I dropped a 11.25-1 compression poniac 455 I pulled from a buddies dirt track car and dropped it into a project car i was building.  The only thing the car would run on without severe detonation (in the summer Tampa heat) was racing fuel.   The other option was install a water injection system.  I don't remember the estimated cost of that but I opted not to do it.  Ended up pulling the heads off and slapped on some heads from a smog motor.  I could run it with 93 oct. with a can of lead booster from the auto parts store.

Anyway spraying water directly into the combustion chamber to cool certain parts prevents premature detonation.


--- Quote from: roamer_1 on March 23, 2023, 07:39:10 pm ---I hate to tell you... But shine networks never left. There's still plenty of good ol boys up in the holler making mash.

BUT, more to the point, even if, there's still diesel/kerosene... Which I am less educated on, but I have a buddy that does it. so the knowledge is there... And propane...

Hell, I don't care. If push comes to shove, I am happy as hell on a horse.

The point being it would be hard to keep rural parts down.

--- End quote ---

Doesn't bother me a bit if they still exist.  However, if they're being used to produce alcohol as a fuel for ICEs, I wager the federal gov't will step up its enforcement activities against them manifold times.

As far as fuels go, let me be more precise - there won't be any petroleum-based fuels, like diesel or kerosene, to act as a base to which alcohol is added.  Not unless one has one's own source of raw oil and a refinery to produce refined fuels.

Propane won't be available either.

So it'll be down to running ICEs that can burn pure alcohol.

Yes, I know it can be done, but I also know that (a) current blocks that can do that are not widely available to all and sundry, (b) coverting an existing block over will be difficult, and (c) replacement parts will become harder and harder to come by.  I also know that most rural folk, whatever their resourcefulness is, are not going to be suddenly sprouting funny-car engines from out their ears.

As a result, most rural folk will not be able to continue with ICE for any significant period of time if the eco-fascists in California are allowed to act as the tail that wags the national dog and set national fuel and ICE policy based on their own idiotic political agenda.

It'll be EVs, and building up ersatz charging facilities is likely to be where the ingenuity will be brought to bear - no need to machine blocks to run pure fuel as such if one can simply build a generator that will utilize alcohol or other available fuels to recharge the EV - or else it'll be horses.

So yeah, taking a "let them do it to themselves" attitude with California is a good way to find one's self being governed by California eco-fascist principles without ever having had a say in the matter.


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