Author Topic: Twitter's Elon Musk predicts Trump will win re-election in 'landslide victory' if arrested  (Read 5899 times)

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Twitter's Elon Musk predicts Trump will win re-election in 'landslide victory' if arrested
Adam Shaw
4–5 minutes

Twitter CEO Elon Musk on Saturday predicted that former President Donald Trump will be re-elected in a "landslide" if he is indicted – or possibly arrested potentially "handcuffed" -- next week.

"If this happens, Trump will be re-elected in a landslide victory," Musk tweeted.

Musk was reacting to a Fox News segment which detailed how the Manhattan District Attorney's office has asked for a meeting with law enforcement ahead of a possible Trump indictment of next week.

According to a court source, the meeting was requested Thursday and hasn't been set. The meeting is to "discuss logistics for some time next week, which would mean that they are anticipating an indictment next week," the source familiar with the planning said. Secret Service is expected to take the lead on what they will allow and won’t allow — for instance, the decision whether to handcuff Trump t.


The potential indictment stems from the lengthy investigation surrounding Trump's alleged payment of "hush money" to actress Stormy Daniels. Towards the end of the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump's then-lawyer Michael Cohen sent $130,000 to Daniels to prevent her from disclosing a 2006 affair with Trump. Trump reimbursed Cohen through installments. The office, led by DA Alvin Bragg, has been investigating the hush money scandal — which took place in 2016 — for the past five years.

On Saturday morning, Trump posted about the possible indictment on Truth Social, indicating that he will be "ARRESTED ON TUESDAY."

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Does Character matter now ?
Exodus 18:21 Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders over ....

Offline LMAO

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He’ll win the nomination

Not the general election. Musk is confusing the two.
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Does Character matter now ?

Not  if you promise to throw money around to your voters…
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

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Offline libertybele

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He’ll win the nomination

Not the general election. Musk is confusing the two.

I'm not so sure; people are fed up with the continuous witch hunt, fake news, bogus accusations and above all; an election was stolen.

Whether you are a Trump supporter or not, right is right and wrong is wrong and IMO I think you may see voters come together to ensure that Brandon and the leftists are finished.
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I'm not so sure; people are fed up with the continuous witch hunt, fake news, bogus accusations and above all; an election was stolen.

Whether you are a Trump supporter or not, right is right and wrong is wrong and IMO I think you may see voters come together to ensure that Brandon and the leftists are finished.

What you said is applicable during the primary. Not the general election. I don’t doubt that an indictment is going to further motivated his base

I believe some of these charges might be unfair. But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna vote for him
« Last Edit: March 18, 2023, 05:29:43 pm by LMAO »
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

Barry Goldwater

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Offline cato potatoe

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There is likely some political bias at work, but history has shown it best not to be sucked into defending him until all of the details emerge.  Everyone declared the Mar-a-Lago raid a gestapo operation, and it turns out he ignored a subpoena for the documents.  Trump is known to have sketchy attorneys ... ones who are willing to engage after he stiffed the others.  We don't know whether their advice is prudent or just whatever he wants to hear in the moment.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2023, 05:20:49 pm by cato potatoe »

Offline libertybele

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What you said is applicable during the primary. Not the general election. I don’t doubt that an indictment is going to further motivated his base

I believe some of these charges might be unfair. But that doesn’t mean I’m gonna vote for him

So...a vote for Brandon, or abstain?  Heck of a choice.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

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If Trump could have just toned it down a bit, his ENTIRE former base would have supported him.

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There is likely some political bias at work, but history has shown it best not to be sucked into defending him until all of the details emerge.  Everyone declared the Mar-a-Lago raid a gestapo operation, and it turns out he ignored a subpoena for the documents.  Trump is known to have sketchy attorneys ... ones who are willing to engage after he stiffed the others.  We don't know whether their advice is prudent or just whatever he wants to hear in the moment.

I know for a fact that some major national, highly reputable law firms turned him down as a client.  One of my buddies who participated in the executive partnership meeting at which his firm made that decision said there was a significant political component to the decision, but that  the clincher argument was his reputation for stiffing his attorneys.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2023, 06:43:00 pm by Maj. Bill Martin »

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Does Character matter now ?

It hasn't in a long time.  Every Politician I've known (and I've known a lot) eventually lies to their supporters.
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Offline sneakypete

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I don't know about a landslide,but there is no way in HELL that getting indicted and arrested would hurt his chances of getting elected President.

Like you,I think it would help him. Suddenly,he would no longer look like the beneficiary of inheirited wealth and fame. Lots of people who are envious of him now and don't like him because he was born into money are likely to suddenly see him as someone who understands what they are going or have gone through,and decided to vote for him.

An indictment at this point can do nothing  but  help his campaign.

After all,it ain't like he can't afford to hire bloodthirsty lawyers to defend him.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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I'm not so sure; people are fed up with the continuous witch hunt, fake news, bogus accusations and above all; an election was stolen.

Whether you are a Trump supporter or not, right is right and wrong is wrong and IMO I think you may see voters come together to ensure that Brandon and the leftists are finished.


Is there ANYBODY left out there with 2 IQ points to rub together that doesn't think Biden and the Dims stole that election?
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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If Trump could have just toned it down a bit, his ENTIRE former base would have supported him.


If the alleged adults who would be voting would recognize that what America NEEDS is a "verbal bomb thrower" that will name names and shake up the system,we might have a chance to still living in a free America 10 years from now.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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I know for a fact that some major national, highly reputable law firms turned him down as a client.  One of my buddies who participated in the executive partnership meeting at which his firm made that decision said there was a significant political component to the decision, but that  the clincher argument was his reputation for stiffing his attorneys.

@Maj. Bill Martin

Granted,most of the major NYC and DC lawfirms have their noses and collection boxes firmly up Dim asses,but there HAS to be a few that meet the Archie Bunker standards of "Seven Savage Jews" who will take him up  on it for the free publicity and all the cases it would bring them. Even if he didn't pay them,there would be no way it would hurt them financally,due  to the publicity and all the new cases it would bring in.

If any firm is interested AND worried about him paying them,what is preventing them from forcing Trump and his lawyers to sign a legal document stating that he is required to pay each months  billing fees in full or they are free to drop him as a client?

Granted,NO amount of money or publicity  is going to get the really rabid Dim lawfirms to represent him,but there HAS to be some serious "legal players" out there who would jump at the chance for fame and fortune.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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He’ll win the nomination

Not the general election. Musk is confusing the two.

What an arrest does is lock in the 35%-40% of the GOP voters, the MAGA loyalyst who will write in his name if not on the ticket.   It's early and anything can happen but I'm Kurt not feeling a 2024 win for the Republican no matter who it is.
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Offline Fishrrman

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The Republican presidential nominee in 2024 WILL be Mr. Trump.

Will he win the election in a landslide?
It will be close, if he's able to win at all.
It doesn't matter HOW MANY Republican voters vote for him.

As to why this is destined to happen -- well, I've explained it more than once in the forum, and usually nobody replies. Here's a recent example:,492624.msg2797028.html#msg2797028

Mr. Trump will do MUCH better in the general election than any other Pubbie candidate (including Ron DeSantis). But he still has a hard, HARD struggle to win in 2024. See my referenced post above.

If I'm wrong, please explain to me how so...

Offline Mesaclone

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I don't know about a landslide,but there is no way in HELL that getting indicted and arrested would hurt his chances of getting elected President.

Like you,I think it would help him. Suddenly,he would no longer look like the beneficiary of inheirited wealth and fame. Lots of people who are envious of him now and don't like him because he was born into money are likely to suddenly see him as someone who understands what they are going or have gone through,and decided to vote for him.

An indictment at this point can do nothing  but  help his campaign.

After all,it ain't like he can't afford to hire bloodthirsty lawyers to defend him.'ve nailed it. Yours is the correct answer.

Every Leftist in this country should be thinking:  "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." Yamamoto

If they arrest our former President and current leading 2024 candidate for that office....we must all stand together and resist this travesty in every legal way possible. Anything less is condoning the destruction of the rule of law in America.  That is not hyperbole.

This is not about any single candidate, its about an action that will rent the core fibers of our nation. This cannot stand...and anyone on the Right who tolerates it doesn't deserve to be a citizen of this country.

Desantis must come out and condemn what's happening, and legally use his office as Governor to block an unjust extradition on a trumped up political hack-charge. Now is his moment...he can rise above Trump's own petty interactions with him...and become a hero to both his own supporters and Trump voters. Or he can do nothing and ensure he'll never get a single vote from the Trump base.

I'm a Desantis voter as of this minute. If he doesn't fight this extradition and condemn this action...I will revert to being a committed Trump voter. And I'm not alone in that. This is bigger than both men...this is about saving the Republic. Some may say its already lost but we should all be damned if we just accept that and let this go down without a fight!
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If the alleged adults who would be voting would recognize that what America NEEDS is a "verbal bomb thrower" that will name names and shake up the system,we might have a chance to still living in a free America 10 years from now.

Talking smack has never mattered a row of pins up in here @sneakypete
And never will. What matters is action, not drama.
If he can talk the talk, fine - But he'd better walk the line.
That's what gets my vote.

Not Tumpy.
I have never understood the whole 'He Fights' thing.
He don't. At ALL.

He's got a battleship mouth alright, but a rowboat ass.
That's how I see it.

Desantis OTOH, he don't say much, but he carries a big damn stick.
And he knows how to use it.

I will vote for that.

Offline libertybele

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Talking smack has never mattered a row of pins up in here @sneakypete
And never will. What matters is action, not drama.
If he can talk the talk, fine - But he'd better walk the line.
That's what gets my vote.

Not Tumpy.
I have never understood the whole 'He Fights' thing.
He don't. At ALL.

He's got a battleship mouth alright, but a rowboat ass.
That's how I see it.

Desantis OTOH, he don't say much, but he carries a big damn stick.
And he knows how to use it.

I will vote for that.

Jury for me is still out on DeSantis.  Keep in mind he has a super majority which has helped him immensely. He's made tremendous headway without much pushback from the leftists/DEMS -- that concerns me a bit.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

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Jury for me is still out on DeSantis.  Keep in mind he has a super majority which has helped him immensely. He's made tremendous headway without much pushback from the leftists/DEMS -- that concerns me a bit.

I would have NEVER thought to cut the states gratuity away from Disney. That took some serious brass. And he did it to little acclaim. But then it seems he ain't looking to make hay, just get the job done.

That speaks volumes more than any 'News a 6' or campaign speeches.
Maybe that's too redneck for all y'all, but I like the rubber hitting the road. Not speechifying.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2023, 10:35:34 pm by roamer_1 »

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Talking smack has never mattered a row of pins up in here @sneakypete
And never will. What matters is action, not drama.
If he can talk the talk, fine - But he'd better walk the line.
That's what gets my vote.

Not Tumpy.
I have never understood the whole 'He Fights' thing.
He don't. At ALL.

He's got a battleship mouth alright, but a rowboat ass.
That's how I see it.

Desantis OTOH, he don't say much, but he carries a big damn stick.
And he knows how to use it.

I will vote for that.

Was he in a rowboat when this happened:

Or this:

And yes...both of those things matter. And yes again...that's just two examples of many. I'm intending to vote Desantis in 2024, but you're damned wrong about Trump...he moved things to the Right to the extent possible. Given a 2nd chance, that will accelerate as he learned some very hard lessons about picking the right...aggressive...appointees to head the Fed departments.

You don't have to disparage one Republican to build up another...Trump moved the country right on policy, and I expect Desantis to continue that.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2023, 10:37:49 pm by Mesaclone »
We have the best government that money can buy. Mark Twain

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Was he in a rowboat when this happened:

Pretty predictable. MEH... Especially in the face of nearly doubling government spending.

Or this:

Judges have historically been a crap-shoot, and this is no different. JUst because they have an 'R' by their name don't mean sh*t. And YES- they are a crap-shoot even yet.

And yes...both of those things matter. And yes again...that's just two examples of many. I'm intending to vote Desantis in 2024, but you're damned wrong about Trump...he moved things to the Right to the extent possible. Given a 2nd chance, that will accelerate as he learned some very hard lessons about picking the right...aggressive...appointees to head the Fed departments.

Not really. He left a much bigger government for the Democrats than when he started.
That is NOT moving right.

You don't have to disparage one Republican to build up another...Trump moved the country right on policy, and I expect Desantis to continue that.

Not in agreement. I think Tumpy is centrist at best. And really, his 'right' is measured in northeast values -- So not even in the ballpark of true.

Sorry  :shrug: That's how I see it.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2023, 10:46:56 pm by roamer_1 »

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If I'm wrong, please explain to me how so...

Trump has a much less chance of getting ind swing voters than Desantis.

I'm not saying DeSantis will or won't. But his chances are better than Trump's

Trump's base, though passionate, is still the minority in this country. And I can guarantee the Democrat base will be out in force if Trump is the nominee.

I suppose one can argue that they believe in Trump enough that they'll vote for him, win or lose in the election and if they lose, they can say they fought the good fight

And flame away, but Jan 6th probably hurt Trump with those same voters. His calling for more protests if indicted isn't going to appeal to anyone outside of his most dedicated of supporters
« Last Edit: March 18, 2023, 10:54:55 pm by LMAO »
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

Barry Goldwater

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Pretty predictable. MEH... Especially in the face of nearly doubling government spending.

Judges have historically been a crap-shoot, and this is no different. JUst because they have an 'R' by their name don't mean sh*t. And YES- they are a crap-shoot even yet.

Not really. He left a much bigger government for the Democrats than when he started.
That is NOT moving right.

Not in agreement. I think Tumpy is centrist at best. And really, his 'right' is measured in northeast values -- So not even in the ballpark of true.

Sorry  :shrug: That's how I see it.

You can see it anyway you want...just as I clearly see that you're shading everything he's accomplished to the negative so it doesn't contradict your position against the man. But that's not the real point of my post...the point is that Dems using the legal system to disqualify and pursue political opposition, meaning Republicans, must be opposed in every conceivable legal way. If Desantis is to lead the party, he better F'ing understand that and start goddammm fighting NOW. I want the man to be President, but he'd better fight this extradition tooth and nail or he's dead to me as a candidate. I'm just one vote, but don't think for a minute there's not a crap ton of 2-time Trump voters who feel the same way. If Desantis wants those voters...and frankly he cannot win without is the time he has to do the right thing and wield his gubernatorial power.

And yes, a Governor can refuse to sign off on an intrastate extradition request. We'll know in the next few days if he is a fighter who will stand up to this garbage...or just another phony politician with no real moral courage.
We have the best government that money can buy. Mark Twain