Author Topic: Draft DeSantis campaign hits 225,000, but FEC blocks sharing  (Read 187 times)

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Draft DeSantis campaign hits 225,000, but FEC blocks sharing
« on: March 15, 2023, 08:58:37 pm »
Draft DeSantis campaign hits 225,000, but FEC blocks sharing

by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist
March 15, 2023 01:35 PM

The Federal Election Commission is blocking a growing petition campaign by over 200,000 people who want to tell Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) to run for president.

The “Ready for Ron” petition has reached 225,000, and its organizers are eager to share the names, emails, and addresses with DeSantis to show him how deep his support is as he considers a likely bid for president.

But the FEC is increasing its efforts to block the sharing, claiming that the list amounts to an expensive in-kind contribution that isn’t allowed under normal spending rules the agency is in charge of enforcing.

The two sides have been battling each other in court and filed arguments late Tuesday in the case that is heating up just as DeSantis readies to announce his plans to run or stay out of the race.

The federal judge in the case brought by Ready for Ron against the FEC has indicated he wants to rule soon on whether the group can hand the petition to DeSantis.

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.