General Category > Health/Education

Don't use the phrases 'pig out', 'eating like a horse' or 'wolfing down your dinner' because it make

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You mean this wasn't PETA?

F___ you, I'll say whatever the hell I feel like saying, got that?

Smokin Joe:
" makes obese people feel like ANIMALS..."

As opposed to what?



Just because they are efficient consumers of everything they can consume, doesn't mean they don't have manners or are slobs about it.

But if they even remotely qualify to be part of the genus Homo, yep, they fall into the Kingdom Animalia in current taxonomy.

We're all animals, each of us, just some of us are better at it than others.

Free Vulcan:
Can I still use word and phrases like 'dumbass', 'moron', and 'dumber than a bag of hammers' for people that spout this stuff?


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