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Trump Overflows Iowa With Massive Crowd And Two-Mile-Long Line In Freezing Temps: ‘You Can Feel

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Trump Overflows Iowa With Massive Crowd And Two-Mile-Long Line In Freezing Temps: ‘You Can Feel The Energy Through The Cold’
DC Enquirer, Mar 13, 2023

Forty-fifth President and leading 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump, a legendary man known for shattering attendance records, traveled to Davenport, Iowa on Monday to give an address on education to a massive crowd of supporters that not only overflowed the arena, but wrapped around the block outside in freezing temperatures.

Trump’s speech was held at the Adler Theatre which offers seating for 2,400 people. Despite the event not being advertised heavily, Trump massively overflowed the theater with a crowd much larger than 2,400 people and a crowd of over 500 people waiting outside.

Videos show a massive two-mile-long line of loving supporters there to see President Trump wrapping around the block of the Adler Theatre.

Before Trump’s speech began, he visited a Machine Shed BBQ to a cheering crowd where he is seen on video being hugged by supporters and taking photos with others including a pair wearing “Trump won” t-shirts.


Full Speech (Video)

"Wait did Trump just say he is doing Q&A at his event in Iowa??" (Video)

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Jack Posobiec

This is crazy, Trump is just taking questions and going back and forth with the crowd. No notes, no teleprompter. Never seen anything like it at a rally

9:19 PM · Mar 13, 2023

Daniel Baldwin

He did this at Club 45 as well.

It’s brilliant for indoor events.

9:20 PM · Mar 13, 2023

PRESIDENT TRUMP: "I will immediately sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school that's pushing Critical Race Theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children. They're children!" (Video)

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