Author Topic: 2024 Candidates: The Good, The Bad, And The Pointless.. Kurt Schlichter  (Read 146 times)

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2024 Candidates: The Good, The Bad, And The Pointless
Kurt Schlichter

The GOP presidential race is already plenty of fun, with everyone awesomely competing to be the least woke, except that New Hampshire maple syrup fungi Chris Sununu, who believes opposing leftists is not who we are oh well I never we’re better than that why is there a moose in my living room? We now have Vivek Ramaswamy in the race saying a bunch of great things but not being electable this time because 1) he does not know what the nuclear triad is and that seems important, and 2) because he looks like he just got his driver’s license. Sure, it’s pretty bad that most of our politicians are old enough to have partied with Coolidge – and we wish they had because Calvin was based – but I’m not sure I’m ready for a commander-in-chief who first heard Nirvana on a Jack FM classic rock station. The CPAC rumor was that he really wants to be the Treasury secretary, so there’s that.

But the Republican race is not the only game in town. There is a lot of action in 2024 besides Trump, DeSantis, and the Asterisks. The Dems have their own nomination race, and there are a bunch of Senate showdowns. Some of the candidates are great. Some are not so great. And others are inexplicable. Here’s the state of play 20 months to election day.

Of the Democratic presidential candidates, those who are not Methuselahs are full-blown morons or towering mediocrities, and some are all three. Biden is teetering, and every time Kamala sees Biden is going on a trip, literally, where he has to climb steps into AF1, she hustles down to the Oval Office and starts measuring the drapes. No one wishes ill on the President, except all the Democratic contenders in secret. He just keeps going and going, incoherently and corruptly, but he refuses to stop and you know his wife, whose doctorate you should take very seriously because it is super impressive according to her, will Weekend at Bernie’s her desiccated husk of a hubby through Inauguration Day 2029 if she has to to stay parked at 1600 PA Ave.

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-Matthew 6:34

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MSM is already soft peddling pedo Joe as a moderate.

'24 campaign is underway.

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