Second point.... As sad as I am that we fell one series short, if that was needed to send Crusty Baker packing? It was worth it.
I will never forget or forgive this POS for wearing BLM T shirts a few years ago.
@catfish1957 I never knew that about him. It would certainly have changed my estimation of him.
Although he wasn't A.J., I was fine with him until WS 2022. In all of the media hoopla surrounding the event, one discussion revealed that Dusty was troubled by the fact that there were no
African Americans playing on either of the teams. What??! What was MLB expected to do? Employ affirmative action to the teams allowed in the WS? I never saw him in the same light after that.
only because he wears his race on his shoulder, I expect that any criticism of his managing decisions was assumed by him to be based in racism rather than legitimate differences in strategy.