« on: March 11, 2023, 03:16:10 am »
https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3894026-youngkin-calls-for-gender-neutral-bathrooms-after-question-from-transgender-virginia-teen/Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) called for gender-neutral bathrooms in schools on Thursday, in response to a town hall question from a transgender Virginia teenager.
“Look at me. I am a transgender man,” Niko, a 17-year-old from Arlington, Va., said at a CNN town hall. “Do you really think that the girls in my high school would feel comfortable sharing a restroom with me?”
Youngkin, who issued a series of restrictive guidelines to Virginia schools last fall related to transgender students, said on Thursday that it was important to accommodate students.
“That’s why I have said many, many times, we just need extra bathrooms in schools,” he said. “We need gender-neutral bathrooms and so people can use the bathroom that they, in fact, are comfortable with.”
Youngkin’s guidelines would require transgender students to participate in activities and use school facilities that align with the sex they were assigned at birth. It would also make it more difficult for students to change their name or gender presentation at school.
What happened to this guy? He turned into a gutless weasel.
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