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The Democrats Make War On Twitter


Powerline 3/9/2023

Today the House’s Weaponization Committee held a hearing in which Democrats attacked Twitter and the “so-called journalists” who revealed the Twitter Files:

    “Twitter Files” reporters Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger held firm Thursday against an onslaught of attacks from Democrats who referred to them as “so-called journalists” and demanded they give up their sources during a tense House subcommittee hearing.

    “The Republicans have brought in two of [Twitter CEO] Elon Musk’s public scribes to release cherry-picked, out-of-context emails and screenshots designed to promote his chosen narrative — Elon Musk’s chosen narrative — that is now being parroted by the Republicans,” said Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-USVI), the ranking member of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

Taibbi refused to answer questions about who approached him about the Twitter files, and when, saying that as a journalist he could not divulge his sources. I am not sure I understand this, since there is no federal shield law. Does a state law apply? I don’t know.

In any event, the Democrats’ childish display made clear how desperate they are to discredit the facts relating to the FBI’s collaboration with social media platforms to suppress free speech. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was especially absurd:

    “Being a Republican witness today certainly casts a cloud over your objectivity,” she said, before attacking the “Twitter Files” as a story “spoon-fed” by Musk to further the billionaire’s priorities.



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