Author Topic: DONALD J TRUMP: The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus. Now it’s time to hol  (Read 594 times)

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Offline Right_in_Virginia

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DONALD J TRUMP: The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus. Now it’s time to hold China to account
Daily Mail/UK, Mar 4, 2023, Donald J. Trump

Three years ago, I declared that COVID-19 almost certainly came from the Chinese Wuhan lab. Now, the world is finally admitting the truth.

The cover-up of COVID-19's origins is one of the greatest scandals in the history of the world. Millions of people all over the planet have died from the China Virus.

The cost of the outbreak and the lying about its origins is incalculable, some say in excess of $50 trillion.

Now it's time to hold China—and the corrupt forces who have facilitated this colossal suppression of facts—accountable for the damage they have inflicted upon all of humanity.

According to recent reports, the U.S. Department of Energy has concluded a Wuhan lab leak is the likely cause of the pandemic. The FBI reached the same conclusion. The facts are now plain for all to see.

When I first suggested in early 2020 that the virus may have come from a lab, it was called 'racist,' a 'conspiracy theory,' and a claim for which 'there is no evidence'.

The entire globalist establishment—from the World Health Organization, to the media, to Anthony Fauci and the public health authorities, to the corrupt Silicon Valley tech giants, to Joe Biden—worked relentlessly to silence, censor, and shut down any suggestion that the so-called 'lab leak theory' could be true.

Scientists who called for transparency and investigation were attacked.

Facebook and Twitter labeled posts related to the theory as 'disinformation.'

The media mercilessly ridiculed the idea.

When Joe Biden came into office, he shut down the investigation my administration had launched into the true origins of the China Virus.

We all know the real reason for thesecensorship campaigns. The 'lab leak' did not serve their political agendas. So they did the Chinese Communist Party's dirty work, and effectively imposed China's propaganda on the Western world.

There must now be a reckoning. The sinister censorship regimes in the United States and throughout the West must be dismantled and destroyed.


Offline Right_in_Virginia

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This scandal is the best possible reminder of why we must have free speech.

The World Health Organization must also be held to account. The WHO, which effectively did China's bidding, fully endorsed the 'natural origin' theory, failed to conduct a thorough inquiry into the possibility that the virus came from a lab, and covered up for China at every turn.

The WHO strongly recommended against my early China travel ban—which was proven to be 100 percent correct. Because of it, we saved hundreds of thousands of lives in the U.S.

For this reason, as President, after my detailed requests for specific reforms were ignored, I terminated America's relationship with the World Health Organization.

Not only did Joe Biden re-enter the WHO without getting any meaningful reforms, but he did so at full price, restoring the hundreds of millions of dollars American taxpayers send each year to an organization that badly misled the world in the service of Communist China.

Now, Joe Biden is negotiating to sign a treaty giving the WHO sweeping powers any time foreign bureaucrats decide to declare a pandemic.

In the event of a real emergency, the treaty would have us ship up to 20% of our medical supplies and medications to the WHO for distribution to other countries.

This outrageous globalist scheme would put America and other signatories on the path to surrendering our sovereignty to the whims of foreign public health bureaucrats—the same people who got COVID-19 completely and totally wrong.

The draft treaty also pushes censorship of disapproved speech about matters of public health—just like they censored the facts about the Wuhan Lab.

This is insanity. America and other free nations should have no part in it.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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When I take the oath of office as the 47th president of the United States, I will once again withdraw the United States from the WHO, to protect our health, and to defend our freedom and independence.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Credibility crisis: CNN boss ordered staff not to chase down COVID lab leak theory as pandemic unfolded
Then-CNN president Jeff Zucker considered the lab-leak theory a 'Trump talking point,' according to an insider
Fox News, Mar 6, 2023


Offline massadvj

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One thing in Trumps' favor, I think, is that he has learned an enormous amount about the presidency, the deep state, the globalists, etc. I think he will really clean house if he is elected, at least to the degree that any president can.  Trump had great instincts, but he compromised too much with people like Fauci, Sessions, and other Washington insiders.  I think if he gets another shot he will be more effective.  For those of us who would like to see the swamp completely drained, that is a big plus.

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Trump started off correctly referring to it as the China virus, then allowed himself to be bullied by his subordinates into eliminating any references to China or Wuhan, so it became just "COVID 19."

That's on him.

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Trump started off correctly referring to it as the China virus, then allowed himself to be bullied by his subordinates into eliminating any references to China or Wuhan, so it became just "COVID 19."


Offline sneakypete

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The cost of the outbreak and the lying about its origins is incalculable, some say in excess of $50 trillion.

Yes,but look at all the money investors in items like masks have made from it!
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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One thing in Trumps' favor, I think, is that he has learned an enormous amount about the presidency, the deep state, the globalists, etc. I think he will really clean house if he is elected, at least to the degree that any president can.  Trump had great instincts, but he compromised too much with people like Fauci, Sessions, and other Washington insiders.  I think if he gets another shot he will be more effective.  For those of us who would like to see the swamp completely drained, that is a big plus.


Agree 100%.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!