General Category > Elections 2024

CPAC Straw Poll Shows Kari Lake As Vice Presidential Favorite

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Corey Walker
March 05, 2023 8:33 AM ET

It looks like GOP voters might want more Kari Lake.

Failed Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake won a straw poll at CPAC which asked attendees for their top Vice Presidential choice on the 2024 ticket. Lake won 20% of the vote, followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis at 14%. Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley came in 3rd at 10%

Lake attended CPAC where she gave a speech detailing her belief that the “America First” agenda could help the country:

“I have complete faith, and I have complete confidence that this country can and will get things back on track,” Lake said.

In the same speech, Lake also claimed that she was offered money to leave politics.


Lake would have been a much better governor for Arizona. Unfortunately, the people in Arizona will have to suffer through Katie Hobbs for a while.


--- Quote from: mystery-ak on March 05, 2023, 02:30:13 pm ---Corey Walker
March 05, 2023 8:33 AM ET

It looks like GOP voters might want more Kari Lake.

Failed Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake won a straw poll at CPAC which asked attendees for their top Vice Presidential choice on the 2024 ticket. Lake won 20% of the vote, followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis at 14%. Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley came in 3rd at 10%

Lake attended CPAC where she gave a speech detailing her belief that the “America First” agenda could help the country:

“I have complete faith, and I have complete confidence that this country can and will get things back on track,” Lake said.

In the same speech, Lake also claimed that she was offered money to leave politics.


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Maj. Bill Martin:

--- Quote from: mrpotatohead on March 05, 2023, 02:55:36 pm --- **nononono*

--- End quote ---

If you want to achieve anything lasting in Washington, you have to have people who understand the mechanics of the political system and know how to work it.  That's how you scrape together votes for big-issue wins.  Trump never got that, but he at least had Pence who understood Congress and was comparatively well-liked there.  Lake has zero experience with Congress and isn't going to be well-liked.  It's a ticket in service to rhetoric rather than to achievements.

I like the lady and her positions, but her entire experience level has been limited to reporting TV news.

And she beats DeSantis 20-14%?

I miss the days when experience at least counted for something.


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