Author Topic: Trump calls DeSantis ‘wheelchair over the cliff kind of guy’ in odd rant  (Read 1785 times)

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Online Kamaji

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Trump once said that we should borrow because interest rates were low. But those low interest rates were hiding the true cost of the debt

Now, with interest rates rising, he still hasn’t had a come to Jesus” moment on borrowing and spending

He never will, because his business acumen tells him that you borrow until you hit insolvency, and then you file for bankruptcy, after which you get a clean start to go out and do it all again.  Unfortunately, those rules don't apply to the federal government.  But hey, he's a gee-whiz business tycoon, so he must know what should be done better than us peons do.

Online Maj. Bill Martin

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He never will, because his business acumen tells him that you borrow until you hit insolvency, and then you file for bankruptcy, after which you get a clean start to go out and do it all again.  Unfortunately, those rules don't apply to the federal government.  But hey, he's a gee-whiz business tycoon, so he must know what should be done better than us peons do.

I wonder if, way in the back of his mind, he thinks repudiating any debt held by the Chinese is always our way "out".

Offline Fishrrman

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Fishrrman wish-it-was-fearless prediction:

If Mr. DeSantis is the candidate in 2024...   he will lose.

If Mr. Trump is the candidate in 2024... he may lose, as well.
BUT... he just might win.

The difference is that -- faced off against The Party's underground election apparatus, which will be out in full force -- Mr. Trump is the only candidate who will have a chance of overcoming it.

And although I'm a Trump supporter, I'll reckon that his chances (viewed from here, today, right now) are no better than 50-50, maybe even not quite that good. It's gonna be an uphill climb.

It DOESN'T MATTER who The Party runs as the dem-communist candidate.
Look at who they ran last time. And he hardly campaigned.

Next-to-NOTHING has been done in the critical Electoral College states that are required for ANY Republican to win. Indeed, whereas some of those states were under Republican-controlled legislatures in 2020, they're now controlled by The Party. Think any "electoral reform" is gonna get passed in them between now and Election Day? (oh wait, we don't even have "Election Day" any more in the blue states).

biden, harris, newsom, or whoever -- DeSantis will lose against them, whether they campaign or not.
With the underground election apparatus, it's "baked in".

Mr. Trump is the only one who at least has a chance.

Online cato potatoe

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Mr. Trump is the only one who at least has a chance.

Oh really.  He needs 34 electoral votes.  What Biden state is he going to flip? 
Georgia?  It is close, but the Atlanta suburbanites despise him like no other.  I don't see it unless there is a deep recession. 
Arizona?  Trump has racked up quite a losing streak out there, whether he knows it or not.  And he's going to endorse a nutjob for the senate seat. 
Virginia?  Trump was slaughtered there.  Worst performance by any pub since 1944. 
Colorado?  This was competitive until Trump came along.  Now?  No way in hell. 
Pennsylvania?  Trump destroyed the party.  I can't wait to see who he endorses to faceoff with Casey Jr.
Michigan?  Unlikely.  They gave him a chance and he blew it.  Democrats run the state now. 
Wisconsin?  Maybe, if everything goes right.  But it's only 10 votes.  Democrats will defend Tammy Baldwin.
Nevada?  With Biden's age, it is possible, but only six votes.  Trump already lost a ton of races, and dems will help Rosen.

On the other hand, the democrats will allocate plenty of resources in Texas, North Carolina, and Ohio for various races.  Those will be no walk in the park.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2023, 01:01:54 am by cato potatoe »

Online Maj. Bill Martin

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Oh really.  He needs 34 electoral votes.  What Biden state is he going to flip? 
Georgia?  It is close, but the Atlanta suburbanites despise him like no other.  I don't see it unless there is a deep recession. 
Arizona?  Trump has racked up quite a losing streak out there, whether he knows it or not.  And he's going to endorse a nutjob for the senate seat. 
Virginia?  Trump was slaughtered there.  Worst performance by any pub since 1944. 
Colorado?  This was competitive until Trump came along.  Now?  No way in hell. 
Pennsylvania?  Trump destroyed the party.  I can't wait to see who he endorses to faceoff with Casey Jr.
Michigan?  Unlikely.  They gave him a chance and he blew it.  Democrats run the state now. 
Wisconsin?  Maybe, if everything goes right.  But it's only 10 votes.  Democrats will defend Tammy Baldwin.
Nevada?  With Biden's age, it is possible, but only six votes.  Trump already lost a ton of races, and dems will help Rosen.

On the other hand, the democrats will allocate plenty of resources in Texas, North Carolina, and Ohio for various races.  Those will be no walk in the park.

I said it once before, but I can't imagine that Trump will have acquired any new supporters since 2020.  I don't believe there will be a significant number of voters who say to themselves, "you know, I really didn't like Trump in 2016 or 2020, but I'm really convinced he's the guy for 2024."

I'm sure many of those who voted before will stick with him. I just don't see that he has any ability to create new Trump supporters at this point.  Without attracting additional support - more than what he had in 2016 and 2020 - he simply cannot win in 2024, especially given that he has certainly lost at least some support since 2020.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2023, 03:58:06 pm by Maj. Bill Martin »