Author Topic: Science and Faith Are Both Incompatible With This Insanity (Transgenderism)  (Read 188 times)

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Science and Faith Are Both Incompatible With This Insanity
Erick-Woods Erickson
Feb. 19, 2023
It is not a coincidence that as faith fades from the West, particularly Christianity, the insanity we see running rampant in society has spread. Christianity is premised on the idea of absolute, universal truth. Jesus says He is truth. Post-modernism says we each have a truth, and there is no absolute truth. We each get to be our own Christ, hoisted upon our own cross, all of us victims of those around us but without the power to redeem — just offer grievance.

Genesis tells us God created us and uses a specific word for that creation that is reserved for the divine. Bara is the word. Only God can do it. Man can make the Tower of Babel. But God bara’d us male and female. We don’t get to do that. This is theology 101. We do not get to make ourselves male or female.

Science, too, is incompatible with the madness we see now. The other day, activists condemned the New York Times for, while giving sympathetic coverage to transgenderism, also playing it straight at times and allowing people to question it and point out trends in Europe where more and more nations are walking back from transgender advocacy.

This led the trans activists to accuse the New York Times of pushing pseudoscience. The pseudoscience being pushed by the Times is actual biological science. ...

This is Biology. What is notable about this is that there are species of animals that can swap sex over time. The transgender crowd points to the clownfish. The problem, of course, is that while the clownfish is also in the phylum Chordata, it breaks off into the Actinopterygii class of fish. Homo sapiens are not in the order, class, family, genus, or species anywhere close to that.

In the order, class, and family in which humans exist, there are distinct sexes, and the males cannot become the female.

The pseudoscience the transgender community wishes we embrace defies basic biology.  ...

It is in Western countries where white kids with activist, secular parents in an environment of progressivism and, usually, bullying, abuse, or neglect, prompt a child to transition. It is a response to external pressures.

That suggests not a change in a species or a change in physical attributes but a mental issue. ...
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