Author Topic: Is Your Baby 'Nonbinary'? Social Workers in Pennsylvania Are Now Required To Say  (Read 1271 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Washington Free Beacon by Aaron Sibarium 2/17/2023

Pennsylvania social workers must now determine if newborn children identify as "nonbinary," according to government forms reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

The state's Office of Child Development and Early Learning, which funds health and social programs for young children, requires providers to report demographic information on their cases—including, since 2022, the gender identity of infants. Data collection forms for the agency now ask for newborns' "gender" rather than their sex and allow providers to select male, female, or "Gender Non-Binary."

Providers must fill out these forms to receive funding from the office. The requirements apply to a long list of home-visiting programs for children, including some that are exclusively for infants.

"I have to ask clients, 'Is your 10-day-old male, female, or nonbinary?'" said one Pennsylvania social worker, who works at one of the home-visiting programs funded by the agency. Those programs offer an array of services, from nursing and therapy to child neglect interventions, and serve children of all ages, not just newborns.

In response to a detailed inquiry from the Free Beacon, Pennsylvania's Department of Human Services, which houses the Office of Child Development, downplayed the requirements.


Offline Kamaji

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It’s not asking how the child identifies; it’s asking about how the parents view the child. 

Offline sneakypete

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It’s not asking how the child identifies; it’s asking about how the parents view the child.


Which bears a very real relationship to how the child will be raised and taught to see both itself and the world.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Mod2

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Moved to Pa. category