Too bad it's not a Mac (new or used), Pete.
I could have you fixed up in no time!
@Fishrrman @roamer_1 @Kamaji @Fishrrman Well,after a few days of screaming fits and lost sleep,I found a solution to this problem.
I still have my old cell phone,so I am going to take it to the Verizon store in town tomorrow,and pay to have the phone number related to ALL my web accounts activated on that phone.
That way I can stop scaring the cats by having a number all these web sites already have or record for me,and then change to my new number once I have logged on to them.
What is truly confusing about these companies making this so hard is that I owe a balance to Amazon and one other retailer,and can't pay my bills off because they won't let me use my new number.
STILL pissed off about Amazon and the other company having a billable help line. I have no idea how much money they might make on that operation,but I strongly suspect it is peanuts compared to anger of their customers once they get into a situation like mine and can't pay their damn bills because the retailers insist on sticking to an archaic system of registerations and logging in.
So what if it costs me 30 or 40 bucks for one month of activation? The anger and frustration it will save me makes it a bargain.
I am NOT going to "cut off my nose to spite my face" by completely shunning Amazon,though. I will continue to buy bulky and heavy items from them SOLELY because of my health issues and the fact they will deliver them to my door,making life a lot less painful for me.