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Biden looks to convince voters they're not 'worse off' before 2024

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Biden looks to convince voters they're not 'worse off' before 2024
by Naomi Lim, White House Reporter |
February 13, 2023 07:00 AM

President Joe Biden has been on the road, underscoring what he considers his most noteworthy achievements to the public, but it is unclear whether voters are listening.

Even polling demonstrates the public's belief Biden has achieved "not very much" or "little or nothing" during the first two years of his administration, a troubling development before an anticipated 2024 reelection campaign announcement.

Biden has done "more wrong things than right things," according to Republican strategist John Feehery, citing the president's COVID-19 vaccine mandate and gun reforms.

"People are struggling with high inflation still, high gas prices again, failing school, and too much crime," Feehery told the Washington Examiner. "So, in my view, his accomplishments might make his staff happy, but they haven't done squat for the average American."

"Families are poorer, real wages and savings are down, our cities are less safe, our energy reserves are depleted, and our border is in chaos, but all Biden does is continue to deflect blame and divide without offering solutions," the Republican National Committee added.

"No wonder Americans overwhelmingly say they are worse off since Biden took office," RNC spokesman Nainoa Johsens said.


Don't worry, the GOP will, once again, snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, and propel Bidet to a second term.

Unless things vastly improve,  he’s got an uphill battle. It’s pretty hard to convince voters that they’re not seeing what they’re seeing

Maj. Bill Martin:
At some point, I believe some very powerful Democrats are going to have a Come to Jesus meeting with Jill Biden, and explain to her why her husband should not run for a second term.

They'll let her know that they'll make sure his age and mental capacity becomes an open issue, and it would be humiliating.

I think they'll be very convincing.

LMAO prognosticates:
"...he’s got an uphill battle. It’s pretty hard to convince voters that they’re not seeing what they’re seeing"

Hey... it worked last time, didn't it?
(along with a big boost from the "underground election apparatus"...)


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