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The 'Hope and Change' Sticky Note Campaign (Until Jan. 20th, 2013)

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--- Quote from: DCPatriot on April 28, 2011, 12:54:01 am ---I'm going to leave TWO each time....and I fill it up every day.

One in Spanish!    :silly:

--- End quote ---

Take a picture of your first one and post it.

I like it!  I'm in, too.  Grocery store shelves is another good place as well.

I just scared the hell out of myself.

What if in the Summer of 2012, Obama removes the ban on Gulf drilling and gets the credit for "saving us"?

Don't forget, the criminal enterprise known as the MSM is doing his bidding.


--- Quote from: Oceander on April 28, 2011, 01:51:51 pm ---I like it!  I'm in, too.  Grocery store shelves is another good place as well.

--- End quote ---
Speaking of which, I noticed that the prices of several staples had gone up significantly recently: flour, coffee, etc. Thanks, Obama!

I'm still trying to figure out why a box of cherry tomatoes is worth $4???


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