General Category > Elections 2024

Trump ramps up his war on 'Ron DeSanctimonious'

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Maj. Bill Martin:

--- Quote from: Bigun on January 31, 2023, 05:30:48 pm ---If Trump is not trying to drive me back into my original never Trump stance, he's doing a damned poor job of it.

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He and his advisors must have realized what the reaction was among Republicans when he said it the first time, but he keeps doing it anyway.


--- Quote from: Wingnut on January 31, 2023, 05:08:48 pm ---Trump is a chump to begin with and its even worse when he attacks the best Gov in the US.  I wish he would crawl back to his Mar-A-logo cave and lock the gates.

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If only he would go to war against the GOP Establishment instead.

Free Vulcan:
Trump and his advisors are starting to look like the gang who couldn't shoot straight.

Lando Lincoln:

--- Quote from: Maj. Bill Martin on January 31, 2023, 05:37:55 pm ---He and his advisors must have realized what the reaction was among Republicans when he said it the first time, but he keeps doing it anyway.

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It’s red meat for the juvenile in his ego and his ardent supporters. It jades the rest of us.


--- Quote from: Maj. Bill Martin on January 31, 2023, 05:24:35 pm ---DeSantis' people must love it every time Trump drops "DeSanctimonious", because all it does it remind people of Trump's own flaws.  He just can't stop letting his mouth be driven by his own emotions, regardless of whether or not it helps his campaign.  It's one of the reasons so many people have decided they want to move on from him.

And DeSantis is showing how to run against Trump.  Just ignore him, and let his own words and actions discredit him.  No reason to alienate Trump's supporters by saying bad things about him because Trump's negatives already are well known.

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