General Category > Elections 2024

California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff to run for US Senate held by Feinstein

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Schiff Hit With Ethics Probe Amid Senate Campaign Kickoff
By Nicole Wells    |   Friday, 27 January 2023 05:12 PM EST
--- Quote ---Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., was hit with an ethics complaint Friday after the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) requested an immediate probe over the use of video footage from the Senate floor in an ad announcing Schiff's Senate run.

The ethics watchdog group sent the complaint to the chief counsel for the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) and asked for an investigation into whether Schiff "abused official  resources for political purposes" by using the video.

The California congressman announced his 2024 run for Senate on Thursday in a video that was shared on his Twitter account. Footage of Schiff speaking on the Senate floor during former President Donald Trump's impeachment proceedings was included in that video. ...
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Free Vulcan:
California gardens and fields will be fertile with all the rivers of bullschifft that are going to flow till the election.


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