Author Topic: The West’s Last Chance? Has It Already Passed?  (Read 174 times)

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The West’s Last Chance? Has It Already Passed?
« on: January 21, 2023, 01:15:48 am »

The West’s Last Chance? Has It Already Passed?
by William Kilkpatrick

Those who make a business of projecting trends often neglect the acceleration factor. The march of history may be usefully described as “slowly” followed by “suddenly.” Yet we are rarely prepared for those times when history seems to “speed up,” and decades of change are compressed into years or even months. We assume that current trends will continue, and we are surprised when they don’t.

An excellent book on the subject is Tony Blankley’s The West’s Last Chance. Blankley, a nationally syndicated columnist who served President Reagan as a speechwriter and senior policy adviser, began the book with an overview of sudden changes in the course of history: the conquests of Alexander the Great, the French Revolution, the American Civil War, and the Nazi’s rapid takeover of much of Europe.

He then made the case that we are on the brink of another historical reversal of massive proportions—namely, the takeover of Europe by Islam. He suggested that the takeover would be accomplished through demographic changes rather than war and he further suggested that Europeans would mount little resistance to it.

According to Blankley, the lack of resistance would have its source in the fact that demographic changes move slowly and are thus less noticeable. One can see that an attacking army ought to be resisted, but the threat of rising birth rates seems a much less urgent matter.
If we assume that the tipping point is somewhere in the vicinity of a 50/50 ratio, then many European cities are approaching that point. In a recent FrontPage article, Bruce Bawer points out that, if one includes illegal residents, Malmö, Sweden’s third largest city, already has a Muslim majority. Moreover, he observes that Muslim culture is rapidly replacing Swedish culture in that city.

Since such demographic trends are unlikely to reverse, one might conclude that Malmö’s last chance to remain a Western city has already passed.

The subtitle of The West’s Last Chance is “Will we win the clash of civilizations?”

That still an open question for America. But in Europe it’s a different story. Islam has a solid foothold in Western Europe. And the demographic changes are all in Islam’s favor. Any acceleration in these trends will be difficult to resist.

Besides, you can’t win a clash of civilizations if you won’t admit that one exists. Because the multicultural/woke mentality that grips Europe denies the possibility of a clash, Europeans will be woefully unprepared when it arrives. And there is much to suggest that it already has.

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