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Fmr. intel chief admits they all knew key parts of Hunter laptop were ‘real’, but signed ‘disinfo’ l


Fmr. intel chief admits they all knew key parts of Hunter laptop were ‘real’, but signed ‘disinfo’ letter anyway
January 17, 2023 | Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Douglas Wise, a former Defense Intelligence Agency deputy director, told The Australian in an interview that a “significant portion” of the documents found on Hunter Biden’s laptop “had to be real,” but says he doesn’t regret signing a letter contesting the laptop.

The letter was written in October 2020 and was signed by 51 former intelligence officials who cast doubt on the laptop’s authenticity, claiming it had the markings of Russian disinformation.

Wise told The Australian, “All of us figured that a significant portion of that content had to be real to make any Russian disinformation credible.”

The intel officer also claimed that he was “not surprised” that the laptop was authenticated.

Intelligence officials coming out more than two years after the letter was signed and claiming that they knew all along that a significant portion of the laptop information was real, reeks of damage control on their part.


Why would they sign that letter anyways?


--- Quote from: Kamaji on January 17, 2023, 03:06:04 pm ---Why would they sign that letter anyways?

--- End quote ---

Because they are all corrupt swamp dwellers perhaps.


--- Quote from: Kamaji on January 17, 2023, 03:06:04 pm ---
Why would they sign that letter anyways?

--- End quote ---
Because to the Deep State and their media supporters Trump is the Devil incarnate.
Trump was going to shake up the gravy train, and they couldn't have that.
It is nothing that Trump has ever said or done, it is simply that he represents (pro-America) change.
That's what scares them to death. They would have supported ANYBODY over Trump, no matter what.

Even if a senile demented 80yo super corrupt Chinese spy with a crackhead deadbeat criminal whoremongering son would have run, they would support the compromised Chinese spy over Trump.

That is how terrified and desperate they were. They would have signed anything even under oath if they thought it would hurt Trump. Is Trump under the control of space aliens? These same 50 would swear on a Bible that there is "irrefutable evidence" to use Democrat words, that Yes! Donald Trump is definitely a space alien. And all the media would cheer them on like the stupid little lemmings that they are.

In government and their media, their is no integrity, honor, or conscience. And "truth" is irrelevant. Everything is about winning power by any means necessary.


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